UMKC Alumnus of the Year Award
Recognizes one alumnus who has achieved eminence in his/her professional field; made contributions to education, science, the arts or human welfare of national or international significance, and rendered outstanding service to society.
2020 – Alexander Norbash, M.D. ’86
2015 – Nicholas Comninellis, M.D. ’82
2013 – Mark Ediger, M.D. ’78
2012 – Catherine Spong, M.D. ’91
2008 – Robert Arnold, M.D. ’83 (Nominated by the College of Arts and Sciences)
1991 – David Hayes, M.D. ’76
Bill French Alumni Service Awards
Recognizes one alumnus who has demonstrated outstanding loyalty, commitment and service to the University and received prominent public acknowledgment for his/her achievements on behalf of UMKC.
1999 – Michael Weaver, M.D. ’77
1994 – Eva Frazer, M.D. ’81
UMKC Presidential Citation for Alumni Service Award
Recognizes an individual who is a member of the campus alumni organization who has rendered outstanding service to their respective campus program and received prominent public acknowledgement of their achievements locally or nationally on behalf of their campus
1991 – Eva Frazer, M.D. ’81
UMKC Spotlight Award
Recognizes an individual who is a member of the campus alumni organization for accomplishments, leadership and public service that have garnered regional or national attention for the University.
2014 – Nelson Sabates, M.D. ’86
2009 – Tracy Stevens, MD, ’90
2000 – Kevin Dye, M.D. ’81
Legacy Award
Recognizes one family with a tradition of attending the University of Missouri-Kansas City. The recipient family must have a minimum of two generations of alumni and include a minimum of three family members, at least two of whom must be graduates (third member may be an attended alumnus with 12 or more credit hours but no degree awarded). The nominated family must have a record of outstanding service to the university, the Alumni Association, their community or profession.
2023 – Anthony Accurso, M.D. ’12
2022 – Sheryl North, M.D. ’82
2019 – Kathryn Ann Hembree, M.D. 86, and Mary Pat Strickland-Lange, M.D. ’85
2017 – Nicholas Patonai, M.D. ’14
2014 – Steven Waldman, M.D. ’77, and Corey Waldman, M.D. ’12
2005 – John Quinn, M.D. ’81
2004 – Elizabeth Guastello, M.D. ’06
2001 – Marianna Martin Sockrider, M.D. ’83
1998 – James Glenski, M.D. ’79
To nominate a School of Medicine graduate for one of these awards, please visit the UMKC Alumni Association’s awards page.