The Student Disability Services office on the main campus works with students requiring disability accommodations, which they are entitled to under state and federal law. These accommodations ensure equal access to the learning environment at UMKC. Any (permanent or temporary) testing, learning, or physical accommodations for SOM courses and clerkships should be managed through the Student Disability Services office.
Student disability and accommodation information is private; School of Medicine faculty and staff do not have access to this information unless the student shares it. So it is the student’s responsibility to send a faculty notification letter to each of their instructors no later than the first week of each course or clerkship to request accommodations.
For students with physical accommodations, participation in clinical learning activities may be impacted, and the operating room is an example of a unique setting that must be considered carefully. Per hospital policy, students requiring accommodations in the operating room must undergo an Occupational Health assessment to ensure that the accommodations do not pose a safety risk to the student, the patient, or the OR team. This process can take several weeks, so for clinical clerkships, faculty notification regarding physical accommodations should occur one block before the start of the clerkship.
Accommodations should not fundamentally alter an essential aspect of a course or program. If a student’s participation in clinical learning is significantly altered based on their accommodations, the clerkship director will work with a student to determine alternative learning experiences to meet the goals of the clerkship. Timely notification ensures that these plans can be made in advance.
Please see the SDS website for more information: