EMERGEncy ID NET: An Emergency Department-Based Emerging Infections Sentinel Network
Acute infectious disease presentations among many at-risk patient groups (e.g., uninsured, homeless, those with chronic illness and recent immigrants) are frequently seen in emergency departments. Therefore EDs may be useful sentinel sites for infectious disease surveillance. TMC ED Research has been involved since the inception of EMERGEncy ID Net in 1995, established in cooperation with the National Center for Infectious Disease and CDC as part of the CDC’s strategy to expand and complement existing disease detection and control activities. EMERGEncy ID NET was also developed to be a mechanism for rapidly responding to new diseases or epidemics.
EMERGEncy ID NET, is an interdisciplinary, multicenter, ED-based network focused on the investigation of emerging infectious diseases.. The network is based at 11 university-affiliated, urban hospital EDs with a combined annual patient visit census of more than 900,000. Data are collected during ED evaluation of patients with specific clinical syndromes, and are electronically stored, transferred, and analyzed at a central receiving site. Multiple abstracts and publications have resulted from this collaborative network and its ongoing studies.
Sponsor: Olive View-UCLA Education and Research Institute (ERl)
Principal Investigator at UCLA Olive View: David Talan, MD, Principal Investigator
Site Investigator at TMC: Mark Steele, MD
Lead Sub-investigator at TMC: Amy Stubbs, MD
Research Coordinators may be contacted at 816-404-5087