Financial Wellness News 9/6/2021

►Fall for Financial Wellness
this Semester!

If you’ve been by the Student Affairs Suite, you may have noticed the financial wellness-themed window! The window elements list ways that you can be financially well this semester.

Each week this month we will be highlighting a specific positive financial habit that will increase your overall financial well-being.

►This Week’s Positive Habit: Create a Budget

A budget is a tool that gives you permission to spend on the items you want! Eliminate unnecessary stress by creating a plan each month to pay bills and spend money on items you want.

Create a monthly budget with 3 easy steps:

  1. List all income sources for the month: Do you have a job? Are you provided with spending money from your support system? List those funds here.
  2. List all expenses for the month: These can be “needs” like a rent or utility bill but also include your “wants” like an entertainment category.
  3. Subtract expenses from income: Once you have all of your expenses listed, subtract those amounts from your income for the month.
    1. If the number is positive, then you are spending less than you make. This is a positive habit.
    2. If the number is negative, go back and review some of your “wants” and adjust until you net zero.

Watch this quick video for a complete overview of budgeting.

►Create Your Budget with AAMC

The AAMC Financial Wellness money management dashboard includes a feature for you to create a budget in just a few minutes. Then, export it to your computer to save for later if desired.

ANYONE who signs up for AAMC Financial Wellness and creates a budget by October 1 will be entered into a drawing for a prize!

You can also use this dashboard to:

  • Track Financial Health
  • Track Spending
  • Create Financial to-do’s
  • Create Financial Goals
  • Organize Student Loans
  • Utilize Resources & Calculator.

Create a free account today! Visit the site here and choose UMKC as your school.

Click the image below to watch a short video on all the features AAMC Financial Wellness offers.

►Reminder: Bills are due on September 10th

If you haven’t paid your bill or made payment arrangements with the Cashiers’ office, you need to do so by September 10th to avoid late fees and finance charges.

For more tips on how to manage your UMKC bill click here.


September Events:

Caring about Credit – Tuesday, September 21 @ 2 pm. Location: 402 Student Union (Volker)

Join us to learn what credit is, how scores are calculated, and how to responsibly use a credit card to build your credit history. RSVP on RooGroups.