- An Event of Importance: Stories of Women Physician
- Literature: A Healing Art
- Microscopes, White Coats, and Stethoscopes: Landmarks on the Road to Physicianhood
- To The Daughters of Asclepio
- Where are the Giants?
- Body Image and the Innocent Eye
- eScholarship: Healing and the Arts: A Powerful Metaphor for Teaching About Healing and for Teaching Medical Humanities
- “Sharing Life Stories” as part of “The Passing Show” panel featured event
- The Program in Medical Humanities at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine
- Through a Woman Physician’s “I”
The following is a sampling of articles published in a variety of journals, authored by faculty members in the Sirridge Center for Medical Humanities, Bioethics and Global Medicine over the past two decades (faculty and trainees are in bold):
Peer-reviewed articles
- Sirridge, MS: Chapter 16, “Special Armor”, in Women in Medical Education.
Ed. Delese Wear. State University of New York Press 1996. - Sirridge , MS, Pfannenstiel: “Daughters of Æsculapius: A Selected Bibliography
of Autobiographies of Women Medical School Graduates 1849-1920.” Lit and Med. 15:2, Fall 1996. - Sirridge, MS: Book Review; House Calls, Rounds, and Healings by Schiedermayer, DL. Ann Int Med 126: 847-848, May 15, 1996.
- Sirridge, MS: The Linden Tree. Academic Medicine 72:S18-19, Oct 1997.
- Sirridge, MS: Annotations for On-Line Literature and Medicine (Byatt, AS: The Matisse Stories; Myers, A: Winged Victory; Feldshuh, D: Miss Evers Boys; Malle L: Vanya on 42nd St; Davies, R: World of Wonders; Quindlin, A: One True Thing; Cather, W: Paul’s Case, Old Mrs. Harris) 1997.
- Sirridge, MS: Through a Woman Physician’s “I”. Pharos 62:7-12, Fall, 1999.
- Sirridge, MS: Annotations for On-Line Literature and Medicine (North, CS: Welcome Silence; Alvord, LS: The Scalpel and the Silver Bear; Gehrke, S: The Resurrection Machine; More, ES: Restoring The Balance; Winchester, S: The Professor and the Madman) 2000.
- Sirridge, MS: Book Review: Restoring the Balance: Woman Physicians and the Profession of Medicine, 1850-1995. Pharos 63:47-48, Autumn 2000.
- Sirridge, MS: The Friendship of Women in This Side of Doctoring (ED. Eliza Lo Chin) 2001
- Payne L. In summer 2012 my essay, “From Lucy Ashton’s Song to Lucia di Lammermoor’s Lament: Sir Walter Scott’s Perfect Gothic Novel and the Composers”, is forthcoming in Proceedings from Musical Theatre as High Culture? Discourse on Opera and Operetta during the Late 19th Century, from the Croatian Musicological Institute, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Payne L. Chapter: In spring 2012 my essay, “Drain, Blister, Bleed: Surgeons open and close the skin in Georgian London,” is forthcoming in History of the Skin, ed. Kevin Siena, from Pickering and Chatto (Series: Studies for the Social History of Medicine)
- Payne L. Chapter: In fall 2011 my essay, “What Would William Hunter (1718-83) think of Bodies Revealed?” is forthcoming in Contested Bodies, ed. John Lantos, MD, from Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Munro S. Balance, Safety, and Passion: Three principles for Academic Leaders. Academic Psychiatry. 2011; 35: 134-135.
- Feighny KM, Arnold L, Monaco M., Munro S, Earl B. In Pursuit of Empathy and its Relation to Physician Communication Skills: Multidimensional Empathy Training for Medical Students. Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education 5, 1:1 – 9, 1998.
- Munro S, Feighney K, Arnold L., Revisiting Self Perception and Specialty Choice in Primary and Non-Primary Care, Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education 4, 1: 21-27, 1997.
- Munro JS. The Importance of Feelings. Missouri Medicine, 89: 729-730. November, 1992.
- Pollock G, Pesto MM, Sirridge M, Van Way CW 3rd. Disclosing medical errors in Missouri: how to say “I’m sorry”. Missouri Medicine, 107, 338-344, Sept-Oct 2010.
- Pesto, M M. Contributor in book. RN’s Legally Speaking: How to Protect Your Patients and Your License. Hacker Sullivan, G & Dekker Mattera, M (Eds), Thomson Healthcare, 1997.
- Pesto, M M. RN Magazine, Legally Speaking column, April 1996.
- Pesto, M M. Special Problems of the Hospital as a Defendant; Corporate Liability. Missouri Bar CLE and ALI-ABA Seminar, Kansas City, Missouri, 1994.
- Sosna, D.P., Christopher, M., Pesto, M.M., Morando, D.B., Stoddard, J. Implementation Strategies for a Do-Not-Resuscitate Program in the Pre-Hospital Setting. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 23(5): 1042-1046, May 1994.
- Pesto, M M. Nursing Is Tough Enough, Now, Factor in Malpractice. Kansas City Health Care Times, August, 1992.
- Pesto, M M. Legally Speaking, If You’re Asked To Be an Expert Witness. RN, December, 1991.
- Pesto, M M. Enforcement or Rescission of Settlements. Missouri Litigation, November, 1991, Missouri Bar Handbook.
- Pesto, M M. Hospital Risk Management. Hospital Law Handbook, Jerry Sill (ed.), September, 1985, Missouri Bar Handbook.
- Pesto, M M. Disaster Nursing: Legal Consideration. Disaster Nursing, Loretta Garcia (ed.), Aspen Publishing 1985.
- Pesto, M M. Do Not Resuscitate Orders: An Informal Survey. Rick Management Letter, September, 1983.
- Pesto, M M . Legal Aspects of Low Level Radiation Exposure. Health Effects of Low Level Radiation, W.R. Hendee, Editor. Appleton, Century Crofts Publications, 1983.
- Pesto, M M. The Role of Nursing in Obtaining Informed Consent. Risk Management Letter, June-July, 1982.
- M.L. Davis, D.A. Woodward, Pesto, M M and R.E. Toya. Attempts to Purify Hemopoietic Stem Cell Enrichment in Bone Marrow by Use of Glass Wool Filtration. Experimental Hematology, 5 (4):310-318, 1977.
Book Reviews
- Payne L. Rev. of The Making of Mr. Gray’s Anatomy: Bodies, Books, Fortune, Fame for The Historian, forthcoming, fall, 2011
- Payne L.Rev. of Soap and Water: Cleanliness, Dirt & the Working Classes in Victorian and Edwardian Britain for Choice, June edition, p. 56, 2011
- Payne L. Rev. of Fatal Thirst: The History of Diabetes Mellitus for the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Vol. 84, No. 3, Fall 2010, pp.