Faculty Awards

Faculty Clinical Affiliate Teaching Award


This award acknowledges and celebrates a faculty member who is recognized for their clinical teaching of UMKC School of Medicine medical students, graduate program students, and/or graduate medical education residents/fellows.  One award is given annually for each of the school’s major affiliates:  University Health/Truman Medical Centers, Saint Luke’s Hospital, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Mosaic, and Center for Behavioral Medicine.


The faculty recipient should be an individual who has influenced medical student, graduate student, and/or graduate medical education resident/fellow clinical education by enhancing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of learners related to the medical specialty of the faculty member.  The faculty member should be considered an excellent clinician who consistently has strong learner evaluations and is recognized for contributing to a supportive clinical learning environment at their primary clinical affiliate.


Nominee must be a tenure track or nontenure track faculty member in the UMKC School of Medicine for a minimum of 5 years. The faculty member’s primary clinical duties must include a substantial teaching component at University Health/Truman Medical Centers (UH/TMC), Saint Luke’s Hospital (SLH), Children’s Mercy Hospital (CMH), Mosaic, or Center for Behavioral Medicine (CBM).

Nomination guidelines and materials to be submitted by the deadline: 

Please download and complete this checklist that is to be submitted as the first page of a single PDF nomination: 


Nominees must be nominated by the Academic Chair of the faculty member.

To be considered, the following information must be submitted:

  1. Nominations and all materials must come from the Academic Chair and be submitted to the Office of Professional Development. An Academic Chair can also solicit and include letters of support from Division and/or Clinical Department Chairs of the major clinical affiliates and/or the clinical affiliate deans but the Academic Chair must write the primary nomination letter.
  2. Academic Chairs may only submit one faculty nominee per major affiliate in which their academic department has faculty members (as an example, the Academic Chair for Surgery could select a different faculty nominee for TMC, CMH, Mosaic, and SLH). Among all nominations received for each affiliate, only one faculty member will be chosen as the recipient of the Faculty Clinical Affiliate Teaching Award to represent that affiliate and is not awarded per academic department.
  3. Chair Nomination letter should include:
    • How long the clinical faculty member has been on staff at the affiliate and faculty member at UMKC SOM (must be a minimum of 5 years);
    • Attestation as to why this clinical faculty “stands out” among peers as an excellent clinical teacher who has made substantial and continued contributions to clinical education and creating a supportive learning environment for learners;
    • The number and types of UMKC SOM learners that the faculty member has interacted with in the past year;
    • Describe any “outcomes” attributed to the influence of the clinical faculty member on learners (such as educational innovations, enhanced learner evaluations, learner scholarly activity supervised by faculty member, influence on specialty choice, attainment of post-graduate training or employment of the learner(s), etc.).
  4. Materials to submit with nomination letter:
    • Learner evaluations (student, resident, graduate student) of the faculty nominee, and must include evaluations for the most recent academic year;
    • Letter(s) of support of up to 3 learners/learner groups describing the faculty’s clinical teaching skills and influence. (Learners from a group could be a consensus of learners, such as a docent team, group of residents, etc.);
    • Most recent CV from the nominee

Prior Winners:

  • 2023 – Christopher Kennedy, M.D.
  • 2022 – Jacqueline Walker, M.D., MHPE – Childrens Mercy Hospital
  • 2021 – Stacey Algren, M.D. – St. Luke’s Hospital
  • 2020 – Emily Hillman, M.D., MHPE – University Health