Promotion related materials are helpful aides for those faculty contemplating going up for promotion in the next few years. Also, look to the Resources taps for other helpful guides.
Materials include:
- “Tips for Promotion Success–Physician Track” by Christine Sullivan, MD
- Understand how to determine readiness for promotion
- Determine strategies to prepare promotion packet
- Understand timeframe to successfully complete application
- Review promotion packet
Target Audience: While the presentation is focused on non-tenured physician clinician tracks, any faculty considering promotion from time of initial appointment to considering promotion readiness and preparing promotion application will benefit from the session.
About the speaker: Dr. Christine Sullivan is a Professor of Emergency Medicine and serves as the Associate Dean for Professional Development. She previously served on the Physician Promotion Committee at the School of Medicine so she has direct knowledge of attributes of successful promotion applications. She initially presented this discussion for the SOM’s Faculty Fellows and Scholars program.
Zoom presentation link:
- Promotion Packet with helpful comments from Zoom presentation
- PowerPoint of Zoom presentation
- Worksheet for Promotion, Levels of Intensity for non-tenure Physicians
- Worksheet for Promotion, Levels of Intensity for non-tenure non-physicians non-clinical faculty
- For the worksheet please go to Education tab > Online Library > Career Development/Promotion. Then see the session entitled: (2021) Part I: “Setting a Strategy for Promotion Success” and go to Scholarly Activity Worksheet (Non-Physicians or Non-clinical Physicians) and click on link provided there.