Can we host the match in person somewhere more socially distanced than theatre A, B, and C?
Answer: The student affairs planning persons (Betsy and Brent) will meet with the year 6 class officers in January to begin planning the Match Day event, so please be certain to communicate your thoughts with your class officers. We wish to plan an in-person event that is safe, can accommodate students, families and friends, and that meets the city/county requirements that may be in place in March. We look forward to working together to plan a fabulous, celebratory event.
What is the date of graduation?
The SOM is planning a celebration event in May, and the contract for the day and location is currently being vetted. As soon as it is signed, which I predict will be within 2 weeks, we’ll share the details with students, staff, and faculty. The University has not yet finalized the date of the May commencement ceremony, so continue to watch your email for that announcement.
Can the SOM install an ice machine? I think it’d really increase the quality of life for our students.
Thanks for submitting this suggestion. We’ve forwarded your request to the University director of facilities, and he is investigating options on how to accommodate your request. We like ice too and look forward to having a machine!