UMKC Roo Walk planned for May 22

It’s time to get the walking shoes on.

Now that the weather’s warmed up, UMKC Human Resources, with the support of the UM Heath for Life Wellness Program and the UMKC Swinney Recreation Center, is sponsoring one-mile Roo Walks at noon on Tuesday May 22 on both the Hospital Hill and Volker Campuses.

The Hospital Hill walk will begin with a pre-walk rally at noon and the start in the area between the School of Medicine and the Health Sciences Building. The Volker Campus walk will begin in the green space south of the University Center.

Faculty and staff are invited to participate as a way to take a break from work, connect with colleagues and other UMKC employees, enjoy snacks and other freebies, and work on maintaining good health. Those who can’t complete the entire walk because of health or time restrictions are invited to participate as they can.

Registration is not required, but encouraged to help with planning. The first 75 people to register and participate in the walk will receive a Roo Walk t-shirt. For additional information or to register, contact Kevin Sansberry, human resources specialist, at or at 235-5818.

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