Vision Research Center

Biological Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility

The UMKC Biological Mass Spectrometry (MS) and Proteomics Core Facility provides MS services for research faculty at UMKC and across the region, biotech/agritech, medical research labs. It also provides local business support and assistance with quality control and new product development.

As shown below, the facility can identify proteins from SDS-PAGE gels, or in solution. Complex samples such as total cellular protein, cell fractions, or affinity enriched samples can be digested to form peptidomes, then fractionated for mudpit if needed. Analysis of your small molecule products for Quality Control, or for validation/proof of synthesis or organic synthesis troubleshooting is also provided.

Accurate mass (~+/- 2ppm) can be used to verify composition (mass to formula), for unambiguous verification/validation in most cases, and also for detecting contaminants and unintended side reaction products for troubleshooting your synthesis.


High Resolution MS Analysis Services:

  • Protein Identification by LC tandem MS (SDS-PAGE gel bands, or samples submitted in solution)
  • Quantitative analysis/comparison of protein abundance between samples using isotopic methods (TMT) or label free quantitation (LFQ) with mudpit
  • Small molecules: mass measurement and verification of synthesis (mass to chemical formula, and MS/MS analysis)
  • Providing assistance with statistical analysis, Figures, Tables, Pathways/Gene Ontology Terms

Examples of whole proteome quantitative comparison of your samples:

  • Total Cellular Protein (mammalian, fungal, plant, bacterial, etc.)
  • Affinity purified samples (AP-MS)
  • Subcellular fractions (such as nuclear, mitochondrial, cytosolic fractions)


  • Thermo QExactive Plus HRMS, nanospray source
  • Two Eksigent nanoLC systems, for online nanoLC and for offline proteome/peptidome fractionation for mudpit
  • PAL-CTC 96well format fraction collection for offline fractionation (mudpit)

Proteomics Data Search and analysis, computational services:

  • Mascot Server (dual licensed nodes)
  • Proteome Discoverer
  • MaxQuant and Perseus