Melinda Brown, M.D.
Assisstant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Brown, Melinda
Neal Campbell, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Site Director
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Campbell, Neal
Sarah Cassias, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Cassias, Sarah
Carrie W. Clarke, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Clarke, Carrie W.
Lisa S. Conley, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Conley, Lisa S.
M. Ann Conover, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Specialties and Research/Medical Interests
Conover, M. Ann
William Daniels, D.O.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Daniels, William
Nicole M. Doyle, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Specialties and Research/Medical Interests
Doyle, Nicole M.
John J. Erkmann, D.O.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Erkmann, John J.
Lesley A. Friskel, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Specialties and Research/Medical Interests
Friskel, Lesley A.
Barbara A. Furgason, M.D.
Assistant Professor,
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Specialties and Research/Medical Interests
Furgason, Barbara A.
Mary Anne Jackson, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.P.I.D.S., F.I.D.S.A.
Department(s) of Pediatrics
Section: Infectious Disease
UMKC School of Medicine
Jackson, Mary Anne
Robin Jenson, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Jenson, Robin
Stephani McGuire, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Associate Program Director
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
McGuire, Stephani
Daniel L. Millspaugh, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Director - Comprehensive Pain Management Program
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Specialties and Research/Medical Interests
Millspaugh, Daniel L.
Kathy M. Perryman, M.D.
Associate Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Perryman, Kathy M.
Benjamin Pieters, D.O.
Associate Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Pieters, Benjamin
Adam B. Striker, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Clinical Chairman
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Striker, Adam B.
Murari Vasudevan, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Vasudevan, Murari
Jennifer L. Weiford, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Weiford, Jennifer L.
Emily Weisberg, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Weisberg, Emily
Eric Weissend, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Weissend, Eric
Susan J. Whitney, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Clinical Chairman through 12/31/2018
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Whitney, Susan J.
Courtnay Wild, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department(s) of Anesthesiology
Section: Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children's Mercy Hospital
Wild, Courtnay