UMKC Center of Excellence in the Study of Dental and Musculoskeletal Tissues (CEMT).
This enterprise, under the leadership of Dr. Lynda Bonewald, represents a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary center that includes investigators from the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, and Computing and Engineering to focus on dental and musculoskeletal health. This UMKC Center of Excellence integrates all investigators, whether basic or clinical, into a powerful translational team to prevent and treat diseases of teeth, cartilage, bone, and muscle.
The major objective of the Center is to expand the ability to make new discoveries in the basic sciences, and to translate these findings into diagnostic tests, prognostic indicators, and therapeutic interventions for diseases of muscle and mineralized tissues. There are four major objectives for this center;
- Develop a world-class basic science research program in mineralized tissues.
- Create an outcomes science platform and clinical trial networks.
- Provide education from graduate students and clinicians.
- Establish an infrastructure to develop biotechnology and technology transfer.
Drs. Jon Andresen, Ming Zhao and Michael Wacker are BMS faculty members who contribute to the research mission of CEMT.