Master of Health Professions Education

Curriculum & Calendar

MHPE Program Curriculum Calendar
  • Table displays when courses are offered. Students may choose any three elective courses.
    • Bold are required courses
    • Italics are elective courses
  Fall Spring Summer
Early Current Issues in Health Professions Education
(HPRE 5530) OS
Principles and Methods of Research
(HPRE 5508) OS
Curriculum Design in
Health Professions
(HPRE 5522) OS
Assessment in Health
Professions Education
(HPRE 5550) OS
Teaching in Health
Professions Education
HPRE 5560) Blended
Program Evaluation in
Health Professions
(HPRE 5580) OS
Later Simulation in Health
Professions Education
(HPRE 5565) Blended

Applied Biostatistics I
(MEDB 5501) OS or Classroom

Curriculum and Instruction
In Technology
(EDUC-CI 5570) OS

Implementation Science
in Health
(MEDB 5563) OA

Leadership &
Administration in Health
Professions Education
(HPRE 5500) OS

Community Engagement in
(HPRE 5535) OS

Applied Biostatistics II
(MEDB 5502) OS or Classroom

Learning Portfolio in Health
Professions Education
(HPRE 5588)
Course Descriptions

Current Issues in Health Professions Education (HPRE 5530) – Consideration of the major social, historical, educational, professional and cultural issues that affect health professions education today as linked to learning and teaching in the health professions.  Online Synchronous*

Principles and Methods of Research (HPRE 5508) – Understanding and applying educational research methods to issues in health professions education. Focus on quantitative, qualitative and mixed method models, and on contributing to the research body in health professions education. Online

Teaching in Health Professions Education (HPRE 5560) – Emphasis on learning and teaching theories as applied to instructional methods, delivery, students and learning contexts. Focus on individual differences, mentoring and tutoring, and on teaching in clinical, small group and large group situations in health sciences education.  Online Synchronous*

Assessment in Health Professions Education (HPRE 5550) – Focus on the design, implementation and evaluation of tools for assessing student learning and performance in health professions education and on the development of assessment systems. Consideration of validity, reliability, writing test items, survey design, checklists, observational assessment, simulations and rubrics. Emphasis on best practices, assessment issues, and on the effective implementation of comprehensive assessment programs in health professions education. Online Synchronous*

Curriculum Design in Health Professions Education (HPRE 5522) – Examination of the theory and strategies for the development, implementation, and evaluation of curricula in health professions education. Focus on contextual factors, learner needs, current models, outcome-based approaches, leadership, and faculty development for design and delivery. Online

Program Evaluation in Health Professions Education (HPRE 5580) – Applied research as linked to program development and evaluation in health professions education.  Topics include needs assessment, summative and formative evaluations, methodologies, data collection, data analysis, and reporting findings. Project-based: Students will develop full program evaluation as a requirement for this course. Prerequisite: EDRP 5508 or consent of instructor. Online

Leadership and Administration in Health Professions Education (HPRE 5500) – Current approaches to academic leadership in health professions education. Topics include management skills, problem solving, communication, group skills, motivation, managing conflict, delegating, legal and budgeting issues. Focus on individual, group and organizational performance. Online Synchronous*

Portfolio in Health Professions Education (HPRE 5588) – The portfolio serves to provide integration and reflection on educational experiences throughout the program and to bridge learning to practice.  Components include philosophy of teaching and educational research, self-evaluation, planning tools, accomplishments, teaching and advising documents, assessment strategies, and the personal journal. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Masters of Health Professions Education. Online

Elective Course Descriptions

Applied Biostatistics (MEDB 5501) — Introduction to statistical concepts and analytic methods as applied to health science. Course includes lectures and hands on computer laboratory.  Online or In-class. Students may substitute a similar course in basic or intermediate statistics with the approval of the advisor.

Applied Biostatistics II (MEDB 5502) — The second in the Applied Biostatistics sequence and is intended for graduate, doctoral, and professional students in the biological, clinical and medical fields, and medical education. Statistical concepts, analysis methods, and research designs commonly used in these fields are included: diagnostic testing, hypothesis testing, power analysis, analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, multivariate analysis of variance, propensity scoring, simple and multiple regression, logistic regression, and survival analysis. Familiarity with basic statistics and the statistical techniques presented in Applied Biostatistics I is required. Statistical analyses involved in this course will be performed primarily using the SPSS statistical analysis package. The course will also cover the interpretation, presentation and the write up of analytical results and graphs.
Prerequisites: MEDB 5501.

Curriculum and Instruction in Technology (EDUC CI5570) – This course is a study of contemporary programs and practices of technology usage in education at all instructional levels.  Both examination and evaluation of technologically enhanced learning environments and curriculum development for educational settings are critical components of the course.  This course is not intended to teach you how to use different educational software/hardware, it is a study of the use of technology in educational environments – how technologies are chosen and implemented.

Implementation Science in Health (MEDB 5563) – This course in Implementation and dissemination sciences addresses a multidisciplinary set of theories and methods to improve and expedite translating research evidence to everyday health-related practices and communities. These theories and methods are systematic approaches to understanding how healthcare interventions can be better integrated into diverse practice settings and emphasize direct engagement with institutions and communities where health interventions take place. To optimize public health goals, this course will present the best evidence-based interventions, how to create those interventions, and how to best ensure that these interventions are effectively delivered within clinical and community practice.

Simulation in Health Professions Education (HPRE 5565) – This course is designed to assist learners in developing the skills necessary to teach effectively with simulation. Simulation is a growing educational methodology that, when used effectively, leads to knowledge gains that are transferrable to patient care settings. This course will focus on the core pedagogical principles and best-available evidence in simulation-based health professions education. The course is designed for adult learners with the goal of assisting each participant in expanding their existing knowledge base and learning to apply it in a meaningful way to everyday teaching and curriculum needs.

Independent Study I (MEDB 5530) – Focused readings and/or special research project, curriculum design, assessment, or project in an area selected by the graduate student in consultation with the advisor.

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