Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Strategic Plan Roadmap

Key Time Periods and Action Items

The SOM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council in collaboration with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion developed a number of action items to implement a three-year Diversity Strategic Plan. In aligning with the SOM Strategic Plan and UMKC Diversity Strategic Plan, this plan will extend for two years to meet the SOM Strategic Plan timeline with additional action items included secondary to continued diversity, equity, and inclusion needs. The initial 31 action items were developed to improve the living, learning, and working environment of faculty, staff, residents, students and especially those in underrepresented and resource limited communities. This is a living document that will continue to grow and evolve over time.

Status Key:
  Completed   On time   Timeline shifted/In Progress   Project restructured

Year 1: Spring 2018 to Summer 2019
Dimension 1: Representation, Access & Success

Spring 2018 start Hispanic/Latinx student group. Completed

Summer 2018 develop and implement a SOM mentoring program to support URM students and residents. Completed

Summer 2018 start a Diversity Graduate Program Welcome. Completed

Summer 2018 develop and implement a Building Our Own Career Advancement Program where URM faculty, staff, and residents meet for professional development, networking, sense of belonging, and securing leadership and professional opportunities at UMKC SOM or affiliates. Completed

Summer 2018 create a collaborative group with affiliates to share, develop, and implement strategies that include unconscious bias and cultural sensitivity training with leaders and search teams to recruit and retain URM faculty and residents. Timeline shifted/In Progress

Summer 2019 increase the number of qualified, competitive URM applicants to the 6 year BA/MD program, MD program, and SOM grad programs by 10% annually. Timeline shifted/In Progress

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Dimension 2: Climate & Campus Environment

Summer 2018 create and implement a group to develop strategies to report mistreatment incidents so data can be tracked and issues addressed. Completed

Fall 2018 identify, review and assess data that impacts underrepresented faculty, staff, resident, and student working and learning environments, their sense of belonging, and success. Timeline shifted/In Progress

Fall 2018 develop and implement a plan to address concerns on the AAMC faculty survey and any staff surveys regarding perceptions of institutional climate. Timeline shifted/In Progress

Fall 2018 develop and implement a plan to address concerns in the AAMC graduate questionnaire and student survey regarding perceptions of institutional climate. Completed

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Dimension 3: Responsive Teaching, Research & Learning

Summer 2018 develop proposal to implement cultural competency into the curriculum. Completed

Summer 2018 Diversity Council suggests books related to social justice to increase Dr. Cattaneo’s Yr1 students’ learning about diversity & inclusion. Completed

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Dimension 4: UMKC & the Urban Community

Fall 2018 identify and report the number of activities the SOM has across departments with URM communities (i.e., Poverty Simulation). Timeline shifted/In Progress

Fall 2018 quantify the human and financial capacity provided to URM communities. Timeline shifted/In Progress

Spring 2019 develop a plan to identify and increase SOM department community engagement where there is a lock of involvement with URM communities. Timeline shifted/In Progress

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Dimension 5: Institutional Infrastructure

Summer 2018 apply for HEED award. Completed

Summer 2018 develop strategy to strengthen collaboration with Diversity Office affiliates to enhance diversity recruitment and retention, professional development, and issues related to mistreatment. Timeline shifted/In Progress

Summer 2018 update diversity webpage. Completed

Summer 2018 develop a template to support and hold SOM departments accountable for the implementation of D&I action items. Timeline shifted/In Progress

Fall 2018 develop and implement a ODI mini symposium with SOM administrators to support their leadership with understanding D&I strategic initiatives, celebrate strengths, discuss opportunities, and address gaps. Completed

Fall 2018 provide an annual report that highlights D&I strengths and successes across the SOM by UMKC D&I Dimensions. Completed

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Year 2: Fall 2019 to Summer 2020
Dimension 1: Representation, Access & Success

Fall 2019 create a toolkit for success to support UR faculty, resident, and staff experiences in work and learning environments. Project restructured

Fall 2019 develop a database to identify, outreach, and build relationships to recruit URM faculty and residents to UMKC SOM. Timeline shifted/In Progress

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Dimension 2: Climate & Campus Environment
Dimension 3: Responsive Teaching, Research & Learning

Fall 2019 develop and implement a plan to provide equity, diversity and inclusion training to 100% of faculty, residents, and staff over 3 years: all new individuals and 33% of individuals Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. Timeline shifted/In Progress

Fall 2019 develop and implement a plan to provide a cultural competency and cultural appropriate care course to 100% of students over 3 years: all new students complete and 33% of students Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. Completed

Summer 2020 the SOM Diversity Council will evaluate and summarize responses from Annual Student Feedback Questionnaire and the content of the curriculum for cultural competency and cultural appropriate care learning objectives, using TACCT or another relevant tool. Completed

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Dimension 4: UMKC & the Urban Community

Fall 2019 identify and report the number of activities the SOM has across departments with URM communities (i.e., Poverty Simulation). Timeline shifted/In Progress

Fall 2019 quantify the human financial capacity provided to URM communities. Timeline shifted/In Progress

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Dimension 5: Institutional Infrastructure

Fall 2019 develop and implement a plan to increase D&I funding to support office needs and scholarships for students. Timeline shifted/In Progress

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Year 3: Fall 2020 to Summer 2021
Dimension 1: Respresentation, Access & Success
Dimension 2: Climate & Campus Environment
Dimension 3: Responsive Teaching, Research & Learning
Dimension 4: UMKC & the Urban Community

Fall 2020 identify and report the number of activities the SOM has across departments with URM communities (i.e., Poverty Simulation). Timeline shifted/In Progress

Fall 2020 quantify the human and financial capacity provided to URM communities. Timeline shifted/In Progress

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Dimension 5: Institutional Infrastructure