Other local options for Flu Shots and TB Skin Tests include:
Local St. Joseph options include:
Q: Do I need a TB Test?
A: All AA and PA students are required to have a TB Test. We recommend all School of Medicine students stay up to date with their TB Skin test, particularly Year 4, 5, and 6 students BA/MD and MD Students. A lapse in testing results in the need for a Two-Step Test and could delay participation in various experiences.
Mosaic Life Care requires an annual TB Test, so all students at the St. Joseph Campus must stay up to date with their TB tests. Students can receive a TB test at the MLC Employee Health office. Once you have received the TB skin test, submit that documentation using the forms provided by the site.
Children’s Mercy Hospital requires an annual TB Test, so students participating in the pediatric clerkship or electives (including research) at CMH will need to have one in their records.
Other hospitals may also require a TB Skin test, so we recommend students starting residency in the next year or planning to participate in out of town/away rotations stay up to date.
Q: Do I need to complete a TB Symptom Review Form?
A: In the past, you may have been required to complete a TB Symptom Review Form. This is no longer required by University Health. Instead, you will need to complete and submit the updated Hepatitis B Form to Occupational Health.
Q: Do I need a TB Skin Test if I previously tested positive?
A: If you have tested positive for TB infection you must provide documentation of positive TB test results, TB treatment, and a negative two-view chest x-ray. Students must complete the program symptoms form annually. Based on results of the symptoms form additional action may be required.
An additional negative two-view chest x-ray is required within six months of the student’s first rotation at Children’s Mercy Hospital and Clinics. CMH will let students know when this is needed.
Q: What if I am not currently in Kansas City? Do I need a flu shot and TB test?
A: Flu shots and TB skin tests are available at health departments, minute clinics, and occupational health centers across the US. Students should still complete these annual requirements to stay on track with immunizations. Not doing so could cause a delay in the student’s return to the clinical setting.
Q: I’m not currently in the clinical setting. Do I need a flu shot and TB test?
A: Yes. Students should still complete these annual requirements to stay on track with immunizations. Not doing so could cause a delay in the student’s return to the clinical setting.
Q: I’m a Year 1 BA/MD student. Do I need a TB test?
A: Only if you did not complete two prior to starting in the program. Refer to your AAMC Immunization form.
Q: Am I excused from clinic or other activities to go get my TB test and/or flu shot?
A: No.