The School of Medicine introduced and welcomed a class of 114 first-year students on Aug. 22 while friends and family watched the Year 1 InDOCtrination Ceremony at the UMKC Student Union.
The annual event marks the beginning of the students’ six-year journey through the medical school, the first two years of which are spent primarily on the UMKC Volker campus.
Raymond Cattaneo, M.D., ’03, assistant dean for Years 1 and 2 medicine, introduced members of this year’s incoming class grouped by docent teams. Those teams of 10 to 15 students work together throughout their first med school two years with their docents, primary care physicians from area hospitals, to learn and practice the fundamentals of medicine.
Claire Hickey, M.D., ’14, a pediatrics resident at Children’s Mercy Hospital, represented the School’s alumni association in welcoming the students and spoke about what lies ahead for them and the significance of the career path they’ve chosen.
Joseph Bennet, MS 2, received the 2014 Richard T. Garcia Memorial award that is given each year a Year 2 student at the InDOCtrination Ceremony. The award recognizes a student who displays outstanding leadership skills, compassion toward his or her fellow students, and outstanding academic performance throughout Year 1.