In the United States, over nine million people over age 40 have AMD; no effective treatment is available for 90% of them. By the year 2030, an estimated 20 million Americans will have been diagnosed with this disease. It is a leading cause of blindness in Americans ages 60 and over. It is a disease that destroys one’s sharp, central vision that is needed to see objects clearly and to do tasks such as reading and driving. AMD has become more prominent in recent decades, due to Americans living longer.
The Vision Research Center is a great boon to our Nation.
Elaine comes from a long line of people with macular degeneration. Her mother and four other family members suffered from it, blinding most of them. Elaine did not want to suffer the same fate, so in partnership with her ophthalmologist, she was extra diligent in looking for the signs and symptoms of the disease. One day, shortly after receiving a new pair of glasses, she noticed that her vision had changed. At first, she thought there was a problem with her new eyeglasses. Later, she and her ophthalmologist determined that her sudden vision problems were the start of her macular degeneration. Immediately, Elaine was placed in a clinical research trial at the Vision Research Center where, over the past year, she has benefited from cutting edge treatment and care. Today, Elaine’s eyesight has improved and she thanks the Vision Research Center for saving her vision. But, she’s thankful for more than that. In her words, “I am very happy to be a part of a program whose findings will help others for generations to come. When my mother went blind from macular degeneration, she had no treatment options. It is phenomenal that the next generation has access to ground-breaking, sight-saving research. The Vision Research Center is a great boon to our nation.”