
A Radiologist demonstrates a radiology machine to a student.

About Our Department

Our department offers quality patient care through diagnostics and interventional services and a robust academic environment through research and medical education at our four affiliate institutions, including Children's Mercy Hospital, University Health Truman Medical Center, Kansas City Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Saint Luke's Hospital.

About Us


Radiology Education Programs

A radiologist looks at patient images on a display screen.

Radiology Residency

Our residency will prepare you for a career as a clinical radiologist in private or academic practice through innovative curriculum, meaningful rotational experiences, supportive resources, evaluations and research opportunities. Rotations explore all areas of radiology, including cardiovascular imaging, OB and neurointerventional radiology.

Residency program

A radiologist conducts an ultrasound.

Radiology fellowships

Deepen your knowledge of neurology subspecialties through the clinical experiences, research and didactic opportunities provided in our Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology and Pediatric Radiology fellowships.

Pediatric Radiology Fellowship

Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology Fellowship

Radiologists in the surgery room.

Radiology electives

We provide elective rotations at our affiliate institutions in general diagnostic, interventional, neuroradiology, pediatric, research and breast radiology.


Explore Our Department

Find Us

Saint Luke's Hospital Department: Radiology Address: Ground floor, Scarpellino Hall Radiology Education Center 4401 Wornall Road Kansas City, MO 64111