Explore the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Master of Health Professions Education program.
Educational research, as the systematic and rigorous investigation of instructional topics, is key to understanding educational practice (learning, teaching, assessment, curriculum, evaluation in the health professions). The Master of Health Professions Education develops a strong educational research-based perspective for students as they tackle learning and instructional problems.
Yes. Working together with health educators from diverse fields (Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health, Pharmacy and Dentistry) serves to expand students’ understanding of learning, and provides the opportunity to see how instructional theory plays out in a full range of health professions education situations.
Graduate Education in the Health Professions has snowballed over the last 10 years. Several factors account for this. First, innovation in the health sciences demands new ways of teaching and assessment. Second, educational science has evolved and provides cutting edge solutions for practice in health professions education. Third, accreditation guidelines demand a high level of educational competence. Fourth, the economic climate calls for effective and efficient and economically feasible instruction.
All faculty have significant experience in health professions education and advanced degrees in a health sciences field or in education. All faculty publish research regularly and attend conferences in the field.
Classes are online asynchronous instruction, or blended. For classes requiring in-class meetings, meetings are generally arranged based on student availability.
You may complete the certificate program in one year. Completing the masters degree requires a minimum of two years of study.
Yes. The Master of Health Professions Education is a rigorous academic program and it is project-based. Students complete readings and projects in each course and participate in discussions.
Attendance is generally required and documented.
Yes. All faculty are available both online and in person.