Grant Proposals
PeopleSoft is a university tool used to manage and track research and service projects throughout the life of a grant, from application to closeout. Requesting “PeopleSoft pages” is the first step in UMKC’s grant application process — and it’s a requirement for every new or transferring proposal.
The Office of Research Administration creates PeopleSoft pages for all School of Medicine faculty. To request PeopleSoft pages, send the following items to the Office of Research Administration no later than seven full business days prior to your proposal deadline:
- PeopleSoft questionnaire (PDF)
- Abstract (draft is acceptable)
- Link to or copy of Request for Proposal (RFP)
- Detailed budget (NIH budget template suggested)
- Additional information on creating a budget
- “Proof” of limited or absent indirect rate by sponsor if full UMKC rates are not allowed (email, website, RFP)
- Copy of any forms that require institutional official signature
- Subcontract documents, if UMKC is prime awardee
- Subcontracts add time and complexity to proposals. Send the final and signed subcontract items at least 10 business days before the internal UMKC due date (17 days before the sponsor’s due date).
- Signed letter of intent to subcontract to UMKC
- Subcontractor’s budget
- Budget justification narrative
- The scope of work for sub
- Sub’s federally negotiated F and A rate agreement letter (or a link to their rate agreement).
- NIH Biosketch for the subcontractor Principle Investigator (PI) to support the proposed application
- Letter of Support from the sub PI to the UMKC PI
- Sub’s Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number and IRS Tax ID number (provide IRS W-9 form).
- Subcontracts add time and complexity to proposals. Send the final and signed subcontract items at least 10 business days before the internal UMKC due date (17 days before the sponsor’s due date).
- UMKC Investigator form (PDF)
- Any Letters of Support in collaboration of the proposal. This is particularly important for any in-kind (cost-share) required by a sponsor and for cost-share provided by the institution or project sites e.g., Univeristy Health, School of Medicine dept., etc.
Once all items are received, PeopleSoft pages will be generated and routed for signatures from the PI, co-PI, co-I, PI/I's department chairs, School of Medicine dean/associate dean for research, and the School of Medicine fiscal officer.
The Office of Research Administration will submit PeopleSoft pages with all signatures to the Office of Research Services (ORS) no later than five business days before the proposal deadline per UMKC policy.
Refer to the UMKC ORS Policy (PDF) for more information.
Submitting Your Proposal
The Principle Investigator needs to submit their full, final application to the Office of Research Services no later than two full business days prior to the deadline. ORS will review, approve and submit the application directly or give the PI approval to submit.
The PI will also need to submit a copy of the proposal to the Office of Research Administration email after or at the same time as ORS submission. Copies are kept to improve post-award management; failure to submit a copy of the application may hinder the processing of the PI's next proposal.
Why is This Required?
When a grant is submitted by UMKC faculty, the institution must approve the application’s financial details as UMKC resources, space and people are being committed in the request. Since a grant agreement is a legal and binding contract, UMKC must ensure the grantor and institution requirements are upheld. Ample time to review the budget and other proposal documents prior to submission allows for better management of the grant after it is awarded.
Example Scenario
NIH R01 grant application due Tuesday, Sept. 20.
If UMKC is the prime awardee and there are subcontract(s), these are due Aug. 25.
Submit required documents to ORA before Thursday, Sept. 8.
ORA will submit signed/completed pages to ORS before Tuesday, Sept. 13 to ensure compliance with ORS five-business-day deadline.
PI submits the full application package to the ORS email three full business days prior to the application deadline, so in this example, Sept. 14.
Who Can be a Principle Investigator?
For human subjects research reviewed by the Institutional Review Board, the Principal Investigator bears responsibility for directing the research protocol and maintaining compliance with relevant institutional polices and federal requirements including those that govern Human Subjects Research. For clinical research projects conducted at hospitals that have affiliate agreements with UMKC, typically the School of Medicine faculty member PI must be a member of the current medical staff at the clinical affiliate entity or employed by the clinical affiliate.The UMKC IRB and the clinical affiliates have separate agreements that govern IRB review of research and IRB reciprocity.
To serve as a PI on a grant award (sponsored project) through the University, the individual must be:
- A current UMKC School of Medicine faculty or staff member, and
- approved by the School of Medicine department to serve as a PI, and
- employed by the university in some capacity, or
- employed by one of the following clinical institutions that has a formal affiliation agreement with the university:
- Children’s Mercy Hospital
- Saint Luke’s Hospital
- University Health
Examples of individuals not eligible to serve as Principal Investigator, include:
- Visiting faculty
- Students
- Medical residents
- Temporary support staff
See the UMKC IRB policy and guidance on PI requirements (PDF)
University information about a sponsored grant project versus a gift (PDF)