Admission Requirements
The requirements for admission are governed by the Master of Science in Anesthesia (MSA) program and the School of Medicine Graduate Council. An admissions committee within the MSA program is composed of faculty and administrators who screen applications, determine which candidates will be offered an interview and make all final admission decisions. Admission decisions are based on an individualized and holistic review of applications.
Equal access to the School of Medicine will be offered to all candidates regardless of race, sex, religious persuasion, sexual orientation, or national origin, provided they meet the other criteria expressed in the statement of intent. The School of Medicine does not employ a quota system when reviewing and admitting applicants. All applicants are reviewed individually and holistically.
Applicants offered admission to the MSA program matriculate in January.
Pre-Requisite Coursework
Applicants for admission to the MSA program must have earned, or will soon earn, a baccalaureate degree or higher from a regionally-accredited U.S. or Canadian college/university.
All applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Applicants must complete the following pre-requisite courses prior to matriculation. A pre-requisite GPA of 3.0 or higher is required. It is also required that applicants receive a grade of C or better (see note) in pre-requisite courses:
- Two semesters of biology with lab
- Two semesters of general chemistry with lab
- One semester of organic chemistry I with lab
- One semester of organic chemistry II with lab
- Two semesters of physics (sophomore level) with lab
- One semester of biochemistry (upper-level)*
- One semester of human anatomy
- One semester of physiology*
- One semester of human anatomy and physiology (4+ credit hour course) may be accepted for one semester of human anatomy and one semester of physiology.
- One semester of statistics (quantitative-based)
- One semester of mathematics (calculus, pre-calculus, additional statistics course, college algebra, or trigonometry)
- One course in medical terminology
*Those courses marked with an asterisk must have been completed within five years of the application deadline.
Pre-requisite coursework must be completed at a regionally accredited college or university located in the United States or Canada.
The MSA program will allow a student to complete any missing required courses after the application deadline. There is no precise limit of how many courses may be missing by the time of the deadline, but proof of enrollment in missing courses would be required prior to an interview. Any offers of admission will be contingent upon successful completion of the required courses by the end of the Fall Semester before matriculation in January.
- Once enrolled in the course(s), a student must submit, prior to the interview, a transcript to the School of Medicine Office of Admissions showing the course(s) in progress.
- A final transcript with a final grade in the course(s) must be submitted upon completion of the course(s).
Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate credit is accepted for pre-requisite courses; however grades earned in such courses will not be used when calculating the pre-requisite GPA.
Due to the knowledge base of each semester building on the knowledge base from the previous semester, it is vital that all students in the UMKC Master of Science in Anesthesia program complete the courses required within the curriculum in the prescribed sequence. Advanced placement, transfer of credit from other educational programs, or substitution of coursework based on prior academic or clinical experience will not be accepted in place of the prescribed courses in the MSA program curriculum.
Please note, we strongly advise taking pre-requisite courses for a grade if possible. However, we will not penalize applicants for circumstances outside of their control for classes taken during the Spring 2020 or Summer 2020 semesters as pass/fail.
- Additionally, on the Centralized Application Service for Anesthesiologist Assistants (CASAA) application, there will be a section where you can address how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted you and your candidacy for admission. We encourage applicants to utilize this space for the Admissions Committee to review, specifically outlining circumstances and providing justification or documentation, when possible.
MCAT or GRE Score
The Medical College Admissions Test or the Graduate Record Examination is required.
MCAT/GRE scores must have been earned within three years of the application deadline.
- The latest MCAT/GRE score accepted for the Final Application deadline is the July MCAT/GRE.
Currently, there is no minimum score required for admission.
- The recommended minimum on the MCAT is a 494 composite score.
- The recommended minimum on the GRE is 300.
When the MCAT/GRE has been taken more than once, component scores from different exams may not be combined. The highest MCAT/GRE score earned by an applicant will be used in the application.
For the MCAT: Applicants must submit official MCAT scores through CASAA after self-reporting their MCAT scores and entering their AAMC ID number into the CASAA application. Applicants should contact AAMC to request their official scores to be released to CASAA following the self-reporting of their score and identification information.
For the GRE: Applicants must submit official GRE scores to the UMKC CASAA code: 4410.
- Note: Official MCAT and GRE scores must be released through CASAA, and an applicant may not submit scores to the UMKC institutional codes in lieu of the CASAA process.
Shadowing Experience
Experience shadowing an anesthesia provider (anesthesiologist, Anesthesiologist Assistant, or CRNA) is required prior to the application deadline.
- A minimum of four (4) hours of shadowing experience is required.
- Note: The required shadowing hours may not be fulfilled within employment, internship, or class experiences.
To successfully verify shadowing experience, applicants must either have their shadowing experiences verified electronically by the shadowing provider, or use the electronic Shadowing Experience Verification Form (PDF) provided through the MSA Student Portal (after the CASAA application has been verified).
Applicants can verify shadowing experiences one of two ways:
- To verify a shadowing experience electronically, an applicant will need to list the name(s) and email address(es) of those providing a shadowing experience verification form in the MSA Student Portal. After entering the information for each person electronically verifying the experience, an applicant will need to click “Send Email Request” in order for the person providing the verification to receive instructions for completing the online MSA Program Shadowing Experience Verification Form.
- To verify a shadowing experience with the Shadowing Experience Verification Form (PDF), applicants must download, print, and complete the information at the bottom of the form. After completing the information, ask the provider who supervised your experience to sign and date the verification form. An applicant will need to list the name(s) and email address(es) of those providing a shadowing experience verification form in the MSA Student Portal (after the CASAA application has been verified). The PDF form should then be submitted directly to the MSA Student Portal. Once the MSA Student Portal has been submitted, no changes or additions to the MSA Student Portal, including the shadowing experience section, may be made.
In addition to shadowing, applicants may wish to complete an informational interview (PDF) with an anesthesiologist assistant. This is a great opportunity to learn even more about the profession. Applicants will be able to upload their reflection and notes from the interview in your application portal. However, please note that this interview will not count towards the four hours of shadowing experience requirement.
Letters of Recommendation
The School of Medicine participates in the CASAA letter of recommendation program, and all letters of recommendation must be submitted through the CASAA letter of recommendation service by the application deadline. Letters of recommendation sent directly to the School of Medicine will not be accepted or used in the admission process. It is recommended that letters come from those who can speak to your academic ability and other personal characteristics as they relate to your pursuit of the Anesthesiologist Assistant profession. Family members and/or friends of the family should not provide letters of recommendation. Three professional or academic letters of recommendation are required.
References are considered confidential material at the UMKC School of Medicine; information provided on reference forms or in letters of recommendation will not be shared with the applicant.
Holistic Review of Applications
Admission to the Master of Science in Anesthesia program is based on a combination of academic performance and an evaluation of non-cognitive characteristics such as:
- Professionalism
- Maturity
- Compassion
- Respect
- Passion for lifelong learning
- Leadership
- Motivation for providing healthcare
The admissions committee will review a candidate’s personal characteristics and experiences, in addition to academic information. The admissions committee will review transcripts, test scores, essay, co-curricular and health-related activities, letters of recommendation, and results of the interview to determine which candidates should be offered admission.
There is no one component of the application that will guarantee a candidate an interview or an offer of admission.
Admissions Eligibility
In order to be considered for admission to the MSA program, applicants for admission must meet the following requirements:
- Must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
- Permanent resident status must be achieved by August 15 of the year before the spring term for which applicant is applying. A copy of the permanent resident card must accompany the UMKC General Application for Admission.
- International applicants are not eligible for admission to the MSA program.