Richard Galbraith, M.D., J.D., M.B.A. (He/Him)

Assistant Professor / Director of Transfusion Medicine
School of Medicine


Pathology was a good choice for me because I like trying to solve a puzzle and finding "the answer," if it exists, and hopefully give patients and their providers clinically meaningful information to help guide their care. I also like interpreting histologic sections and looking at cells, which keeps alive a connection with my preclinical years in medical school. My medical school pathology course was my favorite, and I am lucky to participate in teaching it here. I've found working here at UMKC to be a great combination of challenging and stimulating clinical work, camaraderie with my colleagues, and interaction with residents and medical students (many of whom, with their curiosity, have helped me become a better pathologist).


  • B.A. - History, University of Kansas
  • M.B.A. - Ohio State University
  • J.D. - Ohio State University
  • M.D. - Medical College of Ohio (University of Toledo)
  • Residency - Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, University of Iowa
  • Fellowship - Surgical Pathology, University of Iowa