QIPS Faculty and Student Scholars

About the QIPS Scholars Program

Launched in 2022, the QIPS Scholars program pairs a medical student with a faculty mentor to complete a Quality Improvement project over 12-18 months.

We anticipate enrolling up to 10 students and faculty annually through a competitive, application-based selection process.

Recent scholars and projects

QIPS Program for Students

The QIPS Student Scholars program is a scholarship development experience that will prepare students to lead healthcare improvement efforts as future physician leaders who will engage in the critical work of making today’s healthcare system sustainable for tomorrow.

Review our student scholar presentation for more information.

Who should apply?

Program eligibility includes any current year four or year five student (who will be a year five or six during the program) interested in learning QIPS methodology to support clinical and operational improvement efforts.

Apply to become a QIPS student scholar

The deadline for applications is mid-December. If the application form link is closed, we have stopped accepting applications for the previous cycle. We will begin accepting applications during the Fall semester each year so check back frequently.

Student Application form

QIPS Program for Faculty

The QIPS Faculty Scholars program is a scholarship development experience that will prepare faculty to lead healthcare improvement efforts and mentor future physician leaders to engage in the critical work of making today’s healthcare system sustainable for tomorrow.

Review our faculty scholar presentation for more information.

Who should apply?

This program is for any faculty member interested in teaching, coaching and problem-solving to build their academic and leadership profile, even if they are not pursuing a career as a research scientist.

Apply to become a QIPS faculty scholar

The deadline for applications is mid-December. If the application form link is closed, we have stopped accepting applications for the previous cycle. We will begin accepting applications during the Fall semester each year so check back frequently.

Faculty Application form


Please reach out to our team via email