Audio Visual
Primary Responsibilities
- Maintain and provide audiovisual equipment and supplies (projectors, computer/video projectors, VCRs, slide projectors).
- Providing technical staff support to operate equipment if required.
- Lock and unlock classrooms and theaters.
- Coordinate noon conference and grand rounds.
Available Equipment
- 35 mm projector
- Overhead projector
- Laser pointer
- Stereo audio recorder
- Mono audio recorder
- 5′x5′ screen
- 8′x8′ screen
- VHS VCR w/monitor
- 25″ color monitor
- Video projector
- Additional projector lenses
- Mobile AV cart
- SAF-LOK stand (projection stand)
- Tripod ease
- lFlip chart easel w/pad
- AC extension cord
- Microphone with cord
Requesting Audiovisual Equipment or Support
Some audiovisual equipment is kept in the theaters. The classrooms are equipped only with blackboards and screens. All other equipment must be requested through the audiovisual department.
- Go to M2-411, and fill out a blue AV work order. An AV staff member will be happy to assist you. Fax work orders will be accepted.
- If you are planning to use computer projection, we strongly encourage you to bring your presentation in at least two days in advance of your program to ensure compatibility with our existing equipment and software.
- Although we attempt to fill all requests, equipment is limited. We request a minimum of three days advance notice.
- There may be a charge for equipment used for purposes other than undergraduate education. An AV staff member can provide more information.
- Audiovisual can also help coordinate equipment and/or provide technician support for outside conferences or meetings. An AV staff member can provide more information.