Our School

Innovative Programming

In 1971, the University of Missouri opened a medical school in Kansas City to meet healthcare needs of the state and nation. Unlike traditional four-year schools that only accept students after they complete an undergraduate degree, the UMKC School of Medicine accepts newly-graduated high school students into a combined baccalaureate/doctor of medicine program. This B.A./M.D. program allows students to graduate with their medical degree in six years instead of eight.

Our innovative curriculum provides students with early and continuous patient-care experience while blending the humanities, basic sciences and clinical medicine. The learning environment de-emphasizes competition and encourages learning through close faculty-student interaction and student partnerships. Students learn about medicine and interact with patients from the first day of class. They also learn skills and attitudes that foster compassion, honesty and integrity. Hands-on learning and clinical experience are priorities throughout all years of the program.

Degree and Certificate Programs

In addition to our innovative B.A./M.D. program, we also offer degrees and certificates in other in-demand areas of medicine, including a more traditional four-year M.D. program for students who have or earned or will soon earn their bachelor's degree.

All programs

Hospital Partnerships

The School of Medicine does not operate its own hospital, but instead partners with leading hospitals in Kansas City to provide students and residents with outstanding medical education as they rotate through various clinical departments. Many of the doctors who practice at these hospitals also hold faculty positions with the school. Our hospital partners include:

  • Truman Medical Centers
  • Children’s Mercy Kansas City
  • Saint Luke’s Hospital
  • Center for Behavioral Medicine
  • The Kansas City VA Medical Center
  • Research Medical Center
  • And more

All hospital affiliates


The UMKC School of Medicine is fully accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), a nationally recognized accrediting body that represents the Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Medical Association. LCME reviews accreditation for all medical schools in the U.S. and Canada and has endorsed our academic philosophy and plan.

Explore accreditation