Faculty Development
Faculty with the knowledge, skills and passion for simulation-based education are critical to our success as a center. Please see our program support page for more information about how we can assist you in creating a simulation program or event. If you are interested in enhancing your skills as a simulation educator, please consider contacting us about faculty development opportunities.
Master’s Program Course
Starting in 2020, we are excited to offer a formal simulation course through the UMKC School of Medicine’s Master of Health Professions Education program. Faculty and residents may enroll in this 3-credit hour course designed to assist learners in developing the skills necessary to teach effectively with simulation. This course will focus on the core pedagogical principles and best-available evidence in simulation-based health professions education.
The course is designed for adult learners with the goal of assisting each participant in expanding their existing knowledge base and learning to apply it in a meaningful way to everyday teaching and curriculum needs. The course is anticipated to meet five times during the course of a semester, with most work being done online. The course is project-based and designed to help learners meet the learning objectives by designing a complete, high-quality simulation activity that can be implemented within a course or curriculum.
Please email us or call us at 816-235-1865 to inquire about how to register to take this course.