Student Representatives
2024-25 Class Officers
Year 2 Class Officers
- President: Ashok Kothamasu
- Vice president: Shayaan Anis
- At-large representative: Madeline Grimes
- At-large representative: Neha Kumar
- At-large representative: Alexander Boyd
Year 3 Class Officers
- Office advisor: Krisana West
- President: Pooja Reddy
- Vice president: Riya Bhat
- At-large representative: Qasim Chohdry
- At-large representative: Annika Tsay
- STJ representative: Grayson Yates
Year 4 Class Officers
- President: Brandon Park
- Vice president: Hana Mehal
- At-large representative: Parker Boyce
- At-large and STJ representative: Sophie Li
Year 5 Class Officers
- President: Daniel Song
- Vice president: Mary O’Brien
- At-large representative: Hunter Campbell
- At-large representative: Lexi Palacio
- STJ representative: Deap Singh Bhandal
Year 6 Class Officers
- President: Lauren Vaughn
- Vice-president: Audrey Otwell
- At-large representative: Shreya Gautam
- At-large representative: Akash Guruswamy
- STJ representative: Rahul Jilakara
Council Representatives
UMKC School of Medicine students are represented on school-wide councils responsible for various aspects of the educational program. These are elected positions with several student representatives on each council. The election process occurs in spring and is initiated through self-nomination, allowing students who have an identified interest in a particular aspect of medical education to become involved in that area.
All terms begin on the first day of the school year, occurring in late May.
Coordinating Committee
The Coordinating Committee approves all actions by the other councils. The student representative for the Coordinating Committee is elected by and among the other council representatives.
- Representative: Victoria Cegielski
- First alternate: Josephine Nwankwo
- Second alternate: Neha Potta
Council on Selection
The Council on Selection is responsible for identifying and selecting students for admission to the School of Medicine. It meets four times a year, and members of this council are asked to be available for applicant interviews December through March. It is necessary for Council on Selection members to be on a rotation that fits with this interviewing schedule. Students serving on this council must currently be in good academic standing.
- HSD: Keerti Ivaturi
- HSD: Dalton Hermanson
- STJ: Ali Khreis
Council on Evaluation
The Council on Evaluation is responsible for evaluating performance at all levels of the medical school, both student and faculty (although students do not sit on the subcommittee for faculty promotion). It meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m.. Students serving on this council must have good academic standing for their entire medical school career.
- Year 3-6: Divya Minnaganti
- Year 3-6: Abbas Bader
- Year 2: Olivia Biernacki
Council on Curriculum
The Council on Curriculum is responsible for monitoring all curricular programs and initiating curricular changes at the School of Medicine. It meets on the second Monday of the month at 1np.m. in the Humanities Conference Room. Students serving on this council must currently be in good academic standing.
- HSD: Ayla Nguyen (voting)
- HSD: Nathan Gassel (first alternate)
- HSD: Shreya Kosuru (second alternate)
- STJ: Avery Foster
Council of Docents
The Council of Docents is responsible for all activities and curriculum related to the Docent Units, including the ambulatory care clinics and Docent Rotation. Meetings are once a month, currently at 7:30 a.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Students must be in good academic standing.
- Blue: Mira Bhatia
- Gold: Sandeep Yanamala
- Green: Victoria Shi
- Purple: Hersh Patel
- Red: Nina Zhu
- STJ: Devin Davies
Faculty Awards Review Committee
- Megan Evans
Student Awards Review Committee
- Lauren Baetje (continuing in second year of term)
- Katelyn Junghans (continuing in second year of term)
National Board of Alumni and Partners
- Samuel Kim (2-year position ending in spring 2026)
- Demi Elrod (voting delegate for 2024-25, completing second year of position in 2024-25)
- Ross Dare (completing second year of position in 2024-25)
- Luna Muhamad (2-year position, position expires in spring 2026, voting delegate in 2025-26)
- Jackson Klump (2-year position, position expires in spring 2026, St. Joseph representative)