Helpful Resources
- Guide to Construction of a Block Diagram (PDF)
- Office of Research Support (for resident scholarly activity)
- UMKC Definitions of Common Terms for GME Policies and Procedures (PDF)
GME Administration Policies
- Appointment of PDs and APDs
- Closure and Reductions (IV.O)
- Due Process (IV.D.1b)
- Grievances (IV.E)
- Impaired Physician
- Misconduct Investigation
- New Program/Program Size Increase/Change in FTE — also on the linked page:
- Change in FTE at Affiliates, including addition of a new site
- Increase in Program Size — Complement Increase — form
- New Program (ACGME) form
- New Program (Non-ACGME) form
- Program Letter of Agreement (PLA) and Amendments — also on the linked page
- PLA and Amendment templates
- Promotion, Appointment, Renewal, and Dismissal (IV.D.1)
- Recruitment and Appointment
- Remediation of Academic Deficiencies
- Resident Records Management
- Rotations at Non-Affiliated Sites
- Special Review Process (I.B.6)
- USMLE Step 3 and COMLEX Level 3
GME-Administration policies can be found in the School of Medicine Policy Library under the "GME Administration" tag.