Learning Environment
Policies and Procedures
- 03.6.1 Teacher/Learner Conduct
- Accommodation for Disabilities
- Disability Access: disability access
- Employee Disability Consultation and Accommodations
- For questions, please call (816) 235-1771 or email atchinsonk@umkc.edu
- Clinical and Educational Work Hours (IV.K)
- Moonlighting — also on the linked page:
- Moonlighting Request form
- Non-competition and Restrictive Covenants (IV.M)
- Sexual Harassment
- Substantial Disruptions in Patient Care or Education (IV.N)
- Supervision (IV.J.1)
- Transitions in Care
- Vendor (IV.L) — also on the linked page:
- Medical Industry Interaction UH
- Supplier Visitation Policy-GA-102 SLH