Research Travel Resources
Research Travel Awards
Financial support is available for UMKC medical students presenting their own research at conferences through the Ida Bamberger Memorial Research Endowment and the Alumni Travel fund. In order to support the breadth of student research occurring at the School of Medicine, awards are typically $200. If more than one student is presenting the research, the award will be split among the students presenting. Students may not receive a travel award for research presentation more than once during their degree program. Students must be in good academic and professional standing to be eligible for the award.
Apply for the award
Submit the request form and all supplemental information at least 30 days in advance of travel.
UMKC Women’s Council Graduate Assistance Fund
Established in 1971, the Graduate Assistance Fund (GAF) provides financial support to women currently enrolled in graduate programs or women-first professional students in the schools of Dentistry, Law, Medicine or Pharmacy. The fund is focused on the dimension beyond the classroom and thus does not fund tuition and textbooks. The funds are designed to assist with the completion of requirements for graduate and first professional degrees, to help facilitate studies beyond the classroom along with enriching and encouraging educational experiences. A maximum of $2,000 may be requested. Please keep in mind, the average GAF award is closer to $1,000.
Apply for the award
The deadline for submission is typically in November. Learn more about the Graduate Assistance Fund
APS Excellence in Professional Student (M.D. or D.O.) Research Travel Awards
Provides funds for M.D. or D.O. students to attend, present their research and participate fully in the Experimental Biology (EB) meeting. To be considered for the award, the candidate must be enrolled as either an M.D. or D.O. student (not M.D./Ph.D.), be the first author on a submitted abstract to an APS session for the EB meeting and be working with an APS member. The applicant does not need to be an APS member at the time of application.
Apply for the award
Visit the American Physiological Society for additional details and application deadline information.
UMKC Rural and Tribal Research Award
Thank you for your interest in UMKC’s Rural and Tribal Research Award funded by a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
This award is part of UMKC’s rural medical education program, funded in part by HRSA to support medical student training and development for students with a goal to practice in rural, under-served/under-resourced, and tribal areas.
The award will allow for reimbursement for travel to a conference or related research project needs. Awards will be based on how closely the student application and research project match with the goals of the UMKC program and HRSA grant. If you have previously received an award, a second award will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Apply for the award
If you have a research project focused on rural or tribal health, please complete the UMKC Rural and Tribal Research Award Application to apply for a research stipend.