Research Wall of Fame

A wide view of the School of Medicine Research Wall of Fame.

The School of Medicine’s “Research Wall of Fame” is housed outside Theater A to celebrate the research success of our students and mentors. Each year, three distinguished students will be featured on the wall of fame for the duration of their final year at UMKC.

Featured Exhibits

Featured exhibits consist of each student’s photo with a description of their research endeavors, along with a representative image from their research. Only year five B.A./M.D. and year three M.D. students are eligible to apply for featured exhibit spots.

Digital Exhibits

An additional rotating digital screen in the center of the wall highlights students who have received awards or scholarships, published manuscripts or had prestigious presentations or research experiences during the last year. Students from any medical school year are eligible to apply.

Apply to be Featured on the Wall of Fame

To apply to for a featured or digital exhibit on the Wall of Fame, please fill out the appropriate application and send it to Dr. Paula Monaghan Nichols by March 14, 2025. Fifth-year B.A./M.D. students may apply for either or both exhibit categories.



Please contact Dr. Paula Monaghan Nichols.