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Central Lab


Miyako Rauls
Research Assistant, Biomedical Sciences

Equipment and Supplies

The Central Lab offers the following equipment. Some equipment and supplies are also available upon request. Use the equipment and supplies request form to reserve items for use.

Lab equipment:

  • Large-volume autoclave
  • Deionized water station
  • Air dryers
  • Flask scrubber
  • Freezers -80 C
  • Light and fluorescence microscopes equipped with PAXcam microscope camera, and PAX-it imaging software
  • Laboratory equipment available
  • Mulit-image light cabinet
  • Plate reader
  • Centrifuge
  • Affymetrix microarray analysis
  • BIOHAZ (red bins) medical waste container pick up/drop off area

Available by request:

  • Biohazard waste bag
  • Dry Ice available for lab specimen shipments
    • Contact at least 3 business days prior to shipment. Amounts more than 10 lbs. (4 blocks) require at least 7 business days advance notice to schedule preparation.
    • Please email your cancellation by noon the day before if dry ice is no longer needed.
  • Distilled water
    • Contact at least 48 hours in advance. Five (5) gallons of distilled water containers are available, limited to one request per business day.
  • Liquid nitrogen
  • Chemical spill kit
  • Microscope room

Equipment and supplies request form

Sharps Policy and Disposal


All new-hire researchers are required to attend an orientation training prior to utilizing the Central Lab.

Per School of Medicine policy (PDF), research investigators, staff, students, and volunteers that work in the medical school laboratories including the Central Lab, must complete biohazard training from CITI. Visit CITI Training for more information.

Hazardous Chemical Management

Hazardous chemicals are managed by the UMKC Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS). EHS maintains the University bar-coding system to inventory and track hazardous materials at UMKC. EHS works with every lab and conducts audits of each lab. In addition, EHS provides emergency response efforts for chemical spills.

Dr. Xiangping Chu is the School of Medicine representative for UMKC Chemical Safety Committee.

School of Medicine researchers should email Paula Monaghan-Nichols, Ph.D., or call at 816-235-6663 when new chemicals are received, hazardous chemicals need to be removed, or assistance with the new inventory system and management of chemical inventories in labs.

Chemical Management

Compressed Gas Cylinders

Download Compressed Gas Cylinders Safety Guide (doc) for handling and use, transportation and storage.