Preliminary Internal Medicine Track

We pride ourselves on the fact that our PGY-1 curriculum and call requirements are essentially identical for categorical and preliminary residents. If you are applying to our Preliminary Internal Medicine program track, know that we make every effort to ensure that the curriculum for preliminary residents mirrors that of the categorical interns. Like our categorical interns, preliminary residents are also part of our 4+1 curriculum with a continuity ambulatory experience.

Preliminary Track Rotation Breakdown

Hospital medicine  14 weeks, including roughly 4 weeks of Night Float

Continuity Clinic  9 weeks. See our 4+1 curriculum page for more information. These “+1” weeks are comprised of continuity clinic, subspecialty clinics and didactic experiences.

Core subspecialties:

  • Cardiology: about 4 weeks
  • Pulmonary/critical care: about 8 weeks

Other subspecialties — Remainder of time. Some combination of:

  • Elective: all preliminary residents are guaranteed at least 4 elective weeks
  • Emergency medicine
  • Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Hematology/oncology
  • Infectious diseases
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Rheumatology

Vacation  3 weeks

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