The Department of Medical Humanities and Bioethics is responsible for oversight and management of the following courses:
- Fundamentals of Practice (MED 9110 I, II, III, IV)
- Docent Team Experience I, II, III, and IV
- Hospital Team Experience (MED 9221)
- History of Medicine (MED 9310)
- Patient, Physician and Society I and II (MED 9482 and 9484)
- Behavioral Science (MED 9472)
- Medical Terminology (MED 9115)
- Medical Humanities courses
- Medicine and Literature
- Medicine and Music
- Medicine, Law and Bioethics
- Medicine and Film
- Medicine and Body Image
- Medicine, War and the Arts
- Medicine and the Visual Arts
The Department of Medical Humanities and Bioethics is also responsible for oversight and support of:
- The Sirridge Office of Medical Humanities and Bioethics
- The International Medicine and Global Health Program
- The Human Factor, a publication devoted to the medical humanities
- The Sirridge Lectureship
- The Noback Burton Lectureship
The Department of Medical Humanities and Bioethics is also responsible for the oversight and support of a variety of student organizations and service learning activities, including:
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
- The Osler Society of Greater Kansas City
- The Sirridge Office of Medical Humanities Healing Arts Contest
- The Medical Humanities Interest Group
- The Global Health Interest Group