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Graduate Medical Education House Staff Council
The House Staff Council consists of representatives from Graduate Medical Education (GME) of the UMKC School of Medicine resident and fellow physicians. To establish and maintain representation to the UMKC Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC), GMEC subcommittees, School of Medicine and key governing bodies of sponsoring institutions, they serve as a resource for trainees regarding concerns affecting wellbeing, education and career advancement.
Within areas of resident/fellow interests and concerns, the House Staff Committee provides recommendations for improvement to the associate dean of Graduate Medical Education.
House staff officers
Morgan Whitmire, M.D. (Ortho Surg) – President
Karstan Luchini, D.O. (FM) – Vice President
Madeline Johnson, M.D. (RAD) – Social Chair
Senate members/program representatives
Allergy/Immunology | VacantAnesthesiology | Chris Hollabaugh, M.D., MBA, MPH; Tanner Magruder, D.O.
Cardiovascular Disease | Charles Sherrod, M.D.
Critical Care | Vacant
Emergency Medicine | Riley Hedburg, M.D.; Pooja Patel, D.O.
Endocrinology | Vacant
Family Medicine | Nick Yeisley, M.D.
Gastroenterology (GI) | | Vacant
Hematology/Oncology | Vacant
Infectious Disease | Vacant
Internal Medicine | Ramy Ghaly, M.D.; Roshni Thomas, M.D.
Internal Medicine/Pediatrics | Vacant
Maternal Fetal Medicine | Devon O’Brien, M.D.
Neurology | Geoffrey Lobban, M.D.
Obstetrics and Gynecology | Cornita Cannon, M.D.; Kirsten McLane, M.D.
Ophthalmology | Alyssa Coleman, M.D.
OMFS | Vacant
Orthopaedic Surgery | Clay Link, M.D.; Leilani Mansy, M.D.
Pathology | Maduhasi Bandara, M.D.; Emily Facile, D.O.
Psychiatry | Ahmed Karim, M.D.; Momin Tahirkheli, M.D.
Radiology | Mahnoor Malik, M.D.; Jonathan Sorkin, M.D.
Sleep Medicine | Vacant
Sports Medicine | Dan Chilcote, D.O.
Surgery (General) | John Dylan Pate, D.O.; Patrick Weldon, D.O.
Article 1
The House Staff Council (HSC) is a council consisting of representatives from Graduate Medical Education (GME) of the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) resident and fellow physicians of UMKC.
Article II
The purpose of the HSC includes the following:
- Establish and maintain representation to the UMKC Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC), GMEC subcommittees, School of Medicine, and key governing bodies of sponsoring institutions.
- Regularly review issues affecting residents and fellows and communicate concerns with relevant parties.
- Communicate decisions made by the School of Medicine, GMEC, GMEC subcommittees, and affiliate training hospitals which may impact residents and fellow physicians.
- Serve as a resource for resident and fellow physicians regarding concerns affecting trainee wellbeing, education, and career advancement.
- Serve as a voice (by way of designated representative/representatives) for all UMKC residents and fellow physicians among various committees and initiatives of UMKC GME and our respective training hospitals.
- Establish and maintain high medical and ethical standards in the practice of medicine, allied professional fields, and scientific research among resident and fellow physicians of UMKC.
Article III
Within areas of resident/fellow interests and concerns, the House Staff Council provides recommendations for improvement to the Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education.
Article IV
Section 1. Eligibility. The House Staff Council representatives may be elected or appointed from each of the UMKC sponsored residency and fellowship programs.
- The House Staff Council consists of elected House Staff representatives. Representatives are to be elected or appointed by each sponsored GME program. These representatives will have voting privileges. Representatives are recommended to be designated by August 1st of the academic year to allow for leadership transition.
- HSC representatives are to be in good academic standing within their respective GME program.
- The Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education, or his/her designee, serves as a non-voting faculty representative.
Section 2. Term of Membership. House Staff Council members – both voting and non-voting members – shall serve terms of one year. All House Staff Council members may be re-elected or re-appointed for additional terms at the discretion of the individual’s GME sponsored program. The academic year defines the term of appointment. All House Staff Council representatives must remain in good standing in their residency/fellowship program to continue their membership on the House Staff Council. If a member is found to be ineligible for continued participation, the program will be asked to appoint an alternate representative for the remainder of the academic year. If the member is an officer, the Council will hold a special election to fill the vacancy. Members must keep 50% of meetings, either in-person or virtually.
Section 3. Allocation of Representatives. Each sponsored GME program is entitled to one House Staff Council representative. For programs with greater than 10 trainees, a total of two representatives may be elected or appointed by the program. Additional non-voting members are welcome to partake in meetings.
Article V
President – Chair of the House Staff Council, organizes House Staff Council meetings, yearly Resident Town hall in collaboration with Associate Dean/DIO, represents House Staff at appropriate School of Medicine Committee meetings and Executive Meetings of sponsoring hospitals. Serves as a liaison between Graduate Medical Education leadership and the House Staff Council.
Vice President – Assists House Staff Council President with operational duties, assumes Chair of the House Staff Council in the President’s absence, represents House Staff at School of Medicine Committee Meetings in collaboration with the President, and ensures House Staff Council issues are adequately addressed between House Staff Council meetings.
Immediate Past President – President of the preceding HSC academic year, serves as a non-voting member of the Council, serves as a resource to the President and Vice President.
House Staff Representatives – Resident and fellow representatives from UMKC sponsored GME programs. Each Representative holds a House Staff Council membership and is the liaison that represents one’s program regarding resident and fellow issues or concerns. Representatives attend scheduled House Staff Council meetings, Resident yearly town hall meeting, and participate in the efforts of the Council, and represent the collective voice of their respective GME program as it pertains to issues brought to the Council.
Article VI
Section 1. Quorum
For decisions requiring House Staff Council consensus, a quorum may be required. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of voting members. Voting may take place either at House Staff Council meetings or by way of virtual voting such as through email, shared document, or online survey.
Section 2. Meetings.
The House Staff Council will hold meetings at least quarterly and/or at the call of the Officers.
Article VII
Bylaws Amendments
Amendment(s) to these Bylaws requires a quorum vote.
Article VIII
Dissemination of Minutes
Minutes of House Staff Council meetings are to be submitted to and approved by the Associate Dean, Graduate Medical Education, and shared with the Graduate Medical Education Council for review and concurrence.
Approved by the School of Medicine, Graduate Medical Education Council, August 2024