Program Coordinator Leadership Council


The UMKC School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education (GME) Program Coordinator Leadership Council (PCLC) supports the GME academic mission, as well as policies and resources to realize that mission, execute academic strategic priorities and ensure the quality and integrity of each of UMKC School of Medicine academic residency and fellowship programs. The PCLC acts on behalf of the program coordinators (PCs) to facilitate communication between PCs and GME leadership between PC quarterly meetings.


  • Brie East (UH); GMEC subcommittee, Quality and Safety, Chair | Email
  • Lisa Young (SLH); GMEC subcommittee, Wellness, Vice-Chair | Email
  • Veronica Byers-Harms (SLH); GMEC subcommittees, Health Equity/Disparities of Care, Professional Development | Email
  • Danelle Vogt (CNH); GMEC subcommittee, Work Hours, Secretary | Email

Resources and Documents

PCLC charter (PDF)