Project Expect Respect

Expect Respect was established in 2020 to address mistreatment and promote respect in all aspects of the learning environment. The project promotes awareness of respect in how we treat others, focusing on kindness, attentiveness and politeness. The project addresses the harm caused by microaggressions and provides a platform for individuals to anonymously share experiences. The initiative fosters understanding and encourages positive, respectful interactions.

What is Respect?

Respect is a feeling of admiration for someone or something, elicited by their abilities, qualities or achievements.

Respect is due regard for feelings, wishes, rights or traditions of others.

To show respect for someone is to display regard as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements,  to hold in esteem or to honor. It is also a way of treating or thinking about someone.

How do we show respect for others? We pay attention to, we listen, we are polite, we are kind.

Microagressions and Lack of Respect

When people are insulted or treated badly, they have not been treated with respect.

A microaggression is a subtle putdown, offensive comment or action directed at a member of a marginalized or stigmatized group, especially a person from an underrepresented group. While it is often unintentionally derogatory, a microaggression is offensive and can unconsciously reinforce stereotypes.

Acknowledgement of microaggressions reduces their power. Project Expect Respect is designed to do just that, by acting as a repository for events that demonstrate disrespect, either intentional or inadvertent, through direct slights, insults or microaggressions. Sharing real life experiences in a safe and anonymous way will bring further education and bring greater understanding of how disrespectful, hurtful and demeaning a microaggression can be to the receiver or target.

Join the Project

Please email Dr. Stacey Algren and Dr. Angellar Manguvo to share your experiences and stories below. Many others can learn from your experiences. We will select unique narratives to post and create them as videos on this page. The stories and videos shared will be anonymous. 

Real Stories

Please use the anonymous optional form at the bottom of this page to share your stories and experiences.

Additional Resources for Creating a Respectful Learning Environment