Course Evaluation Compliance Policy
- Last Modified: Jan 17, 2025
- Sponsor(s):
- Responsible Office(s): Council on Curriculum
Reason for Policy
The School of Medicine continually and systematically collects, utilizes and responds to students’ feedback regarding medical school courses, rotations and clerkships. Students’ perceptions are a critical component of the curriculum evaluation process. Student ratings and comments are carefully reviewed by faculty, department chairs, and the Council on Curriculum in order to promote positive curricular change.
Therefore, students are required to complete evaluations of all courses, rotations, and clerkships that the School of Medicine requires by using OASIS. The OASIS evaluation form will be available for student use for a total of 14 days, seven prior to the close of the course, rotation, or clerkship and seven after the course, rotation, or clerkship is over.
Students who do not complete evaluations by the deadline (by the end of the seventh day after the course, rotation, or clerkship is over) are subject to the following actions.
- The Council on Evaluation will record in its monthly minutes a student’s failure to submit a required course/rotation/clerkship evaluation and will send him/her an e-mail noting the first and, if necessary, the second instance of non-compliance.
- When a student has failed to submit three evaluations, he/she will receive a letter of unprofessional behavior from the Council. The letter will be placed in the student’s official record and will remain there.
- The three instances of non-compliance triggering a letter of unprofessional behavior will include failure to submit course/rotation/clerkship evaluations, as well as sets of peer assessments required in docent rotation and in the obstetrics-gynecology rotation. For example, two instances of failure to submit course evaluations plus one instance of failure to complete a set of peer assessments will trigger a letter of unprofessional behavior.
- Persistent non-compliance with the policy will result in review by the Council on Evaluation to determine if the student’s Medical Student Performance Evaluation, used in the process of application to residency programs, will refer to the student’s non-compliance.
Faculty must communicate the course/rotation/clerkship evaluation policy to students at the beginning of the curricular experience. A summary of the policy and the consequence for noncompliance must be included in the syllabus along with the relevant information for accessing evaluations.
Related Links
- Subject Examination Policy
- Residency Interviewing and Excused Absences from Clinical Rotations
- Split 2-Block Rotations
- Required Clerkships with Family Members
- Patient Tracking Policy
- Student Workload and Clinical Duty Hours (PDF)
- Student Workload Hours for Preclinical Coursework (PDF)
- Peer Assessment Policy
- Professionalism Competency Assessment for Clerkships (PDF)