Subject Examination Policy

  • Last Modified: Jan 17, 2025
  • Sponsor(s):
  • Responsible Office(s): Council on Curriculum

Policy Statement

Number of Attempts and Time Allowance

When a student fails a required subject examination in a clerkship, he/she must post a passing score within a four-block period subsequent to the date of the failed examination. A student will be allowed to repeat the subject examination just once during that period. Failure to pass the subject examination within four blocks will mean failure of and re-enrollment in the clerkship. The subject examination schedule set by the Office of Assessment and Quality Improvement must be followed; no change in the schedule will be allowed except for documented illness or a family emergency.

Rotation Score to Pass Number of Attempts
Docent Rotation 60 or higher 2
Pediatrics 55 or higher 2
OB-GYN 65 or higher 2
Surgery 60 or higher 2
Psychiatry 63 or higher 2
Emergency Medicine 56 or higher 1
Behavioral Science 340 or higher 2

***passing scores updated as of 2021-2022 academic year

No-Show and Unexcused Absence

A “no-show/unexcused absence” on the subject examination date scheduled at the end of the rotation results in a forfeiture of one of the two attempts. A second “no-show/unexcused absence” on an examination date scheduled by the student results in a failure of the rotation.

Multiple Subject Examination Failures

Effective for all first-time takers of subject exams:

  1. Any student with two outstanding subject exams in different clerkships will not be permitted to enroll in any required clerkships until he/she has no more than one outstanding subject exam to complete. The student will receive remediation to address his/her difficulties and appropriate advising along with revision of his/her curriculum schedule.
  2. If the student then has a third outstanding subject exam, he/she will not be permitted to enroll in any further required clerkships until all outstanding subject exams have been successfully completed.

Failure on First Attempt of Subject Examination

Students who fail on their first attempt at a Subject Examination or internally written required examination are NOT eligible to receive Honors or High Pass in that Clerkship.

Subject Exam Reporting on Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)

Beginning with clinical clerkships in June 2005, the number of attempts a student needs to achieve a passing score on an NBME subject examination in a clinical discipline will be reported in his/her MSPE (dean’s letter). The passing score will also be reported.

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