Director's Welcome

The Gastroenterology Fellowship program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City is designed to provide expert training in all aspects of clinical and endoscopic gastroenterology. Graduates of our program will be expected to excel in both the cognitive and procedural aspects of training in these fields. In addition to a well-rounded curriculum, second and third year fellows will have the opportunity for mentorship in developing clinical- and/or laboratory-based research.

Our goal is to produce compassionate, well-rounded clinicians and academicians who are comfortable caring for all types of gastrointestinal diseases. Many of our graduates have entered academic medicine, or proceeded with further specialty training. We are fortunate to have a patient base that runs the gamut from economically advantaged to disadvantaged, elderly to young, and includes many diverse ethnic and racial groups.

Wendell Clarkson, M.D.
Professor of Medicine, Gastroenterology Fellowship Program Director
Arthur W. Robinson Endowed Chair in Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine