Wellness is an important aspect of our program, where we take a holistic approach to our health. This includes more than just our physical and mental health; wellness in our program also encompasses emotional and social wellbeing. Here at UMKC Neurology, we attempt to create an environment that is conducive to learning and providing excellent patient care by enhancing the lives of our residents, faculty and staff.
To accomplish this vision of resident wellness, we designate a senior resident as Wellness Chief whose goal is to create a supportive environment that enhances the lives of our residents, faculty and staff.
Below are several examples of things we do to support wellness within our program:
- Yearly appointment of a Wellness Chief who schedules regular events throughout the year and acts as a buddy for other residents. Previous events include “Fall Fun Day”, “Christmas Karaoke" and game nights.
- We encourage collegiality by implementing an open door policy where staff members are readily available to offer advice, mentorship, guidance and career counseling.
- We scheduled half a day of admin time every month, which allows residents to schedule appointments, answer inbox messages and work on projects/research.
- We host resident dinners throughout the year, including our yearly intern welcome dinner and end-of-year dinner.
- We prioritize mental and physical health by providing residents two personal days yearly for medical/dental appointments and personal wellness.
- We schedule periodic breakfasts and/or lunches during protected didactics time.