Faculty Awards Review Committee


Makes decisions regarding recipients for school-based awards.


  • Christine Sullivan, M.D. | Professor | Standing | Associate Dean – PD
  • Meg Gibson, M.D. | Professor | Standing | Director of Faculty Development
  • Julie Banderas, Pharm.D. | Professor | Standing | Assistant Dean – GHP
  • Phil Byrne, Ed.D. | Adjunct | Assistant Professor | Standing | Associate Dean – GME
  • Sara Gardner, M.D. | Associate Professor | Standing | Senior Associate Dean – Medical Education
  • Tyler Smith, M.D. | Assistant Professor | Standing | Associate Dean – Inclusive Excellence
  • Jared Keeler, M.D. | Assistant Professor | Standing | Council of Docents – Chair
  • James Wooten, Pharm.D. | Associate Professor | Standing | Chair – Faculty Council
  • Wail Hassan Ph.D. | Associate Teaching Professor | Standing | Senior Faculty – Basic Science
  • Gregory Howell, M.D., M.P.H. | Associate Professor | Appointed – Clinical Affiliate | N/A
  • Brandon Elder, M.D. | Assistant Professor | Appointed – Clinical Affiliate | N/A
  • Leah Jones, M.D. | Assistant Professor | Appointed – Clinical Affiliate | N/A
  • TBD | Associate Teaching Professor | Appointed – Basic Sciences | N/A
  • Megan Evans | Year 4 | Appointed – Medical Student | N/A
  • TBD | TBD | Appointed – Resident/Year 3 | N/A
  • TBD | Graduate Student | Appointed – Graduate Rep. | N/A
  • Elle Jorgensen | Admin. Assistant | Standing | Non-Voting | N/A


Article I


This Committee shall be known as the Faculty Awards Review Committee of the School of Medicine, University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Article II


The Faculty Awards Review Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • To develop processes for the identification and submission of qualified faculty applicants for awards — school-based, university-based and national.
  • To develop and maintain a yearly calendar of awards for which faculty nominations may be made
  • To recommend Faculty Award recipients for school-based and put forth recommendations for university-based and national awards
  • To ensure recommendations of recipients from a committee comprised of diverse faculty with knowledge of a breadth of faculty experiences and responsibilities
  • To streamline and ensure transparency of the nomination and selection processes

Article III


Committee minutes shall be kept as part of the Office of Professional Development.

Decisions regarding recipients for school-based awards are made solely by the Faculty Awards Review Committee.

Article IV

Membership Eligibility


Members will include voting members that comprise both permanent positions (appointed due to administrative position at the school) and appointed two-year positions. Appointed positions are intended to: (1) help achieve diversity in the committee (by affiliate hospital, ethnicity, gender, etc.), (2) provide a service opportunity for faculty to support promotion application, and (3) assure adequate committee membership for recusals and absences of members.

Standing permanent positions:

  • Associate dean for Professional Development (chair and non-voting)
  • Assistant dean for Graduate Health Professions
  • Associate dean for Graduate Medical Education
  • Associate dean for Curriculum
  • Associate dean for Inclusive Excellence
  • Council of Docents chair
  • Faculty Council chair
  • Senior faculty member in basic science
  • Faculty Development Director

Appointed positions (two-year appointment):

  • Residency or fellowship program director
  • Clinical affiliate faculty member
  • Basic science faculty member
  • Graduate program faculty member

Standing members may select a delegate from their area of administration appointment to serve in their place if unable to attend a meeting. If there is a meeting in which a vote for an award is made, it is expected that the standing member and delegate would have reviewed and discussed the nominations prior to the meeting.

Learner positions (one-year appointment):

Members will include voting members that are appointed for one year terms representing one learner each from:

  • Undergraduate medical education
  • Graduate medical education
  • Graduate education

For medical student representative, qualifications include a fourth or fifth year student representative appointed by majority vote of students in an election run by Student Affairs in the spring of each academic year. A graduate medical education representative will be appointed by House Staff Council president. A graduate education representative will be selected by the Department of Graduate Health Professions chair. A learner representative may serve more than one term, if they are selected in the process above.

Article V


During review of award nominations, a faculty member of this committee who is either nominated for the award, wrote a letter of recommendation for the nominee, has a personal relationship with the nominee, is directly supervised by the nominee, is related to the nominee, or otherwise discloses a conflict of interest, will recuse themselves from any review and selection for that award. Learner representatives who either wrote a letter of recommendation for the nominee, has the nominee as their supervisor, is related to the nominee or otherwise discloses a conflict of interest, will recuse themselves from any review and selection for that award. In the event that the person being recused includes the chair, a standing member will assume the chair position for the award being reviewed and selected.

Article VI


To convene a meeting where selection of nominees will be determined, a simple majority of members is required.

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of this committee. After discussion of nominees for an award, a call for a vote will occur at which time members will vote anonymously. The chair, or standing member, will tally the votes and announce the recommended award recipient.

After the recommendations for school-based awards are determined by the committee, the chair will present the recommendations to the dean for final selection. For university-based and national award recommendations from the committee, the chair will present those recommendations to the dean for final recommendation and submission.

Faculty Awards Review Committee approval:

  • July 18, 2024
  • Aug. 27, 2020
  • July 18, 2019
  • June 4, 2019; minor revision approval

Coordinating Committee approval (including minor revision):

  • July 30, 2024
  • Aug. 31, 2020
  • June 25, 2009