Graduate Council


The role of the School of Medicine Graduate Council is to oversee the academic aspects of the graduate degree programs at the UMKC School of Medicine. The main responsibilities are to establish policies and make appropriate recommendations regarding graduate student admissions, progression and graduation. The council also oversees program curricula and nominates the graduate and doctoral faculty.

Members and Staff


  • Jenifer Allsworth, Ph.D. | Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics
  • Erin Aubrey, MPAS, MBA, PA-C | Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Graduate Health Professions in Medicine
  • Jennifer Nolan, MSA, CAA | Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Graduate Health Professions in Medicine
  • Xiangping Chu, MD, Ph.D. | Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Department of Anesthesiology
  • Angellar Manguvo, Ph.D. | Assistant Dean for Learning Environment and Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Graduate Health Professions in Medicine

Council Chair

Julie Banderas, Pharm.D. | Associate Dean for Graduate Health Professions in Medicine and Professor and Chair, Department of Graduate Health Professions in Medicine


Julie Hewitt | Council Coordinator, Office of Council on Evaluation

Graduate and Doctoral Faculty Appointment

The criteria, privileges and responsibilities of UMKC graduate faculty are outlined in the Operating Procedures and Structure for Graduate Education at the University of Missouri-Kansas City are available on the UMKC School of Graduate Studies website.

School of Medicine faculty interested in serving graduate students through teaching or advising should review the School of Medicine Graduate and Doctoral Faculty Membership Criteria and Procedures (PDF).

To apply for graduate faculty privileges, email Julie Wright Banderas, Pharm.D., Associate Dean for Graduate Health Professions.

Graduate Student Documents and Resources

Graduate students are encouraged to contact their program director or refer to their program handbook to find guidance and information about needed resources.

Links to the many resources supported by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS), including the Graduate Writing Initiative, graduate student services and organizations, and important registration and records forms can be found on the SGS website.

Graduate students may contact Julie Wright Banderas, Pharm.D., Associate Dean for Graduate Health Professions for specific questions. Students needing a confidential advocate should contact the graduate student Ombudsperson within the Office of the Learning Environment, Angellar Manguvo, Ph.D.