Pathology Elective

Description of Elective

The Pathology department is pleased to accommodate up to two UMKC School of Medicine or guest students for elective rotation in each block.

This four-week-long, five credit hour elective exposes medical students to the fields of anatomic and clinical pathology, including surgical pathology, cytopathology, clinical chemistry, hematopathology, transfusion medicine and microbiology.

Anatomic pathology rotation (two weeks) 

Responsibilities include participation in a tour of the Anatomic Pathology department, observation of gross prosections, frozen section evaluations, microscopic evaluation of surgical and cytopathology specimens and differential diagnostic considerations and possible observation of autopsies (based on availability). Students are supervised by pathology residents and faculty on service.

Clinical pathology section (two weeks)

During this section, students will participate in a tour of the clinical laboratory, gain hands on experience in microbiology and transfusion medicine departments, learn to interpret major hemoglobin and protein abnormalities, and formulate a differential diagnosis of commonly occurring disorders seen in peripheral blood and bone marrow. Students are supervised by pathology residents and faculty.

Program Goals and Objectives

The Pathology elective is designed to expose students to the roles anatomic and clinical pathologists play in patient management, help them develop an understanding of the potentials and limitations of various laboratory tests, gain exposure to various laboratory technologies, and acquire a better understanding of the pathophysiology of diseases.

By the end of the pathology elective, students will be able to:
  • Formulate a differential diagnosis based on clinical history.
  • Observe and describe gross findings in organs.
  • Differentiate normal and abnormal gross findings.
  • Correlate clinical manifestations of the patient with cytologic or histologic findings.
  • Recognize the microscopic characteristics of common diseases.
  • Describe the clinical and pathologic characteristics of common diseases.
  • Formulate a final diagnosis based on clinical history, laboratory or histologic findings in areas of surgical pathology, cytopathology, clinical chemistry and hematopathology.


Elective curriculum includes:

  • Daily lectures — morning conferences at 8:00 a.m.
  • Anatomic pathology and clinical pathology assignments provided by the pathology elective director
  • Tumor conferences at noon
  • Participation in anatomic and clinical pathology sign out sessions

Program Expectations

  • The student's presence is required at least 20 days, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • The student's day starts with morning conferences at 8 a.m.
  • All students are expected to make a pathology related presentation on a subject of their choice or per the pathology elective director’s advice.


Faculty and resident staff will evaluate students during their rotation based on attendance at sign-out and lab, conferences and final presentation. This information will provide the basis for completing and submitting the standardized student evaluation to be completed by Dr. Soheila Hamidpour and forwarded to the UMKC School of Medicine. 

Students will be given an opportunity to evaluate their experience in pathology during their clerkship. 


Soheila Hamidpour, M.D.
Office phone: 816-404-0600

How to Apply

If you're interested in this program, please email Petra Bricker or call her at 816-235-1931. Requests must be received at least eight weeks prior to the start of the requested elective date.


You must withdraw at least four weeks before your start date.


Department of Pathology
University Health Truman Medical Center
2nd Floor, 2301 Holmes Street
Kansas City, MO 64108