Inclement Weather Alert

Please visit our alerts page for the latest updates about changes to School of Medicine operations during inclement weather.

Categorical Rotations

Over the course of 3 years, categorical residents will spend the following time on each rotation:

  • Hospital medicine — about 52 weeks, including roughly 12 weeks of night float over 3 years
  • Cardiology — 4 weeks inpatient, 2 weeks outpatient
  • Emergency medicine — 2 weeks
  • Endocrinology — 2 weeks combined inpatient/outpatient
  • Gastroenterology  4 weeks inpatient, 2 outpatient
  • Hemotology/oncology  4 weeks inpatient, 2 outpatient
  • ICU — 12 weeks
  • Infectious disease — 4 weeks, mostly inpatient
  • Nephrology — 4 weeks, mostly inpatient
  • Neurology — 2 weeks combined inpatient/outpatient
  • Palliative Medicine — 2 weeks combined inpatient/outpatient
  • Rheumatology — 2 weeks combined inpatient/outpatient
  • Continuity Clinic — 27 weeks. These are the "+1" weeks in our 4+1 block schedule, which you can learn about on our Curriculum page
  • Elective — about 20 weeks
  • Vacation — 9 weeks total (3 weeks per year)