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Throughout the curriculum, we offer a variety of different conferences that are designed to provide a broad educational experience. Learn more about these resident-focused didactic sessions.
Grand Rounds
Twice monthly conference presented by a faculty member that discuss current topics of interest in internal medicine.
Resident Reports
Twice weekly presentations of a single case by a senior resident with the discussion focused on clinical reasoning, forming differential diagnoses and exploring diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
Noon Conferences
Daily system-based didactic conferences presented by a member of our UMKC faculty. The first month of the year is devoted to emergencies in medicine, which helps prepare our new interns and seniors to manage the unexpected they may face on the wards.
Half-Day Didactics
These monthly didactic sessions are led by UMKC faculty and provide a deeper dive into a given specialty within a small group environment.
Journal Clubs
Monthly conferences discussing recent journal articles from internal medicine literature, with a focus on critically interpreting the literature and developing an understanding of biostatistics.
Ambulatory Conferences
These conferences take place during the “+1” week and are based on the Yale Office-Based Medicine Curriculum.
Morbidity and Mortality Conferences
Quarterly "M&M" conferences are presented jointly by internal medicine and emergency medicine chiefs and faculty, along with a bi-annual internal medicine M&M.
Emergencies in Medicine Conferences
These conferences replace the normal Noon Conference for the first month of residency to prepare residents for emergent medical problems they may encounter.
Billing and Coding
Dedicated and intensive curriculum for PGY-2 residents on how to appropriately bill, code and document inpatient and outpatient encounters.