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First Year Daily Schedule

Our residents split time between our two hospitals. Across their residency, many of their general inpatient rotations are at University Health Truman Medical Center. Here’s what a typical day looks like for our first-year residents on the general medicine inpatient service:

Time Activity
6:30-7 a.m. Medicine teams meet at our resident workspace. Sign out occurs between the night team and day medicine teams. This face-to-face communication provides an opportunity to ask questions to the overnight team and communicate critical information that may have developed overnight.
7-9 a.m. Teams pre-round on their patients, develop plans to be presented on rounds and anticipate who may discharge that day.
8:45-9 a.m. Residents at University Health Truman Medical Center participate in multidisciplinary rounds with their team’s specific social worker and case management in order to facilitate safe and effective discharges.
9-11:45 a.m. Attending-facilitated teaching rounds.
11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Resident report: A senior resident presents a prior case designed to teach clinical reasoning, physical diagnosis and management principles in an interactive format.
12:15-1 p.m. Noon conference: The bulk of these conferences are comprised of internal medicine and subspecialty faculty teaching core concepts pertaining to a given specialty or medical condition. Other conferences held during this time frame include monthly Business of Medicine, Journal Club, Morbidity and Mortality and Chiefs’ Conferences.
1-4:15 p.m. Medicine teams continue to work on patient care management and accept new admissions to their team.
4:15-5 p.m. Non-call teams perform a face-to-face sign out to the short call team. Inpatient teams alternate short call coverage every fourth day of service. Short call means the team stays until 7 p.m., cross-covers the other teams and takes admissions until handoff to the night float team at 7 p.m.