Director's Welcome
Welcome to UMKC Family Medicine! Whether your career goal is to work in the office, hospital, labor and delivery, match into fellowship, go into academic medicine, enter private practice or any combination of these, our full-spectrum training program will get you there. For over 40 years now, the program has produced graduates who work in all these settings and practice types in Missouri and beyond.
Throughout residency, residents maintain and grow a diverse continuity panel with a high percentage of pediatric patients. In the hospital, they have the opportunity to work in an unopposed setting on both family medicine and internal medicine-run inpatient teams and a high-volume family medicine obstetric team. Explore our full curriculum details.
To meet their educational and professional goals, residents meet regularly with faculty coaches and have multiple avenues for ongoing feedback throughout their three years. This ongoing support also provides an opportunity to enhance wellbeing and personal growth. Our faculty have wide and diverse skill sets but also individual areas of clinical interest that include maternity care, sports medicine, pediatrics, behavioral health, integrative medicine, OMT, international medicine, advocacy and national leadership, procedural skills, point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), substance abuse and more. We have the advantage of working primarily out of a 110-bed community hospital located near Lee's Summit but a short drive away from downtown Kansas City while enjoying the benefits of a larger university-based system.
Program Director