There are over 4,000 deliveries and 8,500 ultrasounds done between University Health Truman Medical Center and Children’s Mercy Hospital Fetal Health Center. Over 300 maternal transports are accepted annually between the two sites.
First Year
First year fellows have one-month block rotations in research, ultrasound, labor and delivery as supervisor, neonatology, genetics, cardiac ICU, and MFM clinical service between both institutions.
Second Year
Second-year fellows have a consolidated schedule consisting of six months of research which is divided into two three-month blocks, and six months of MFM clinical service, which is divided between University Health Truman Medical Center and Children’s Mercy Hospital Fetal Health Center.
Third Year
Third-year fellows have a total of five months of research towards the end of the academic year, one month of labor and delivery as supervisor, and six months of MFM clinical service, which is divided between University Health Truman Medical Center and Children’s Mercy Hospital Fetal Health Center.
Gain Experience in Many Areas
Through the fellow’s clinical experiences at both institutions, they will gain experience in:
- Ultrasound for fetal anatomic surveys and growth assessment
- Fetal echocardiography
- Nuchal translucency
- Doppler assessments
- Chorionic villus sampling
- Fetal blood sampling
- Cerclage procedures
- Cesarean hysterectomy
- Amniocentesis (diagnostic and therapeutic)
- Fetal Bladder shunts
In addition, the program includes didactic Creasy chapter reviews with faculty from all affiliated institutions, a monthly journal club, quarterly morbidity and mortality conferences, and a variety of other in-house conferences and didactics.
After the first six months of fellowship and with approval from the Clinical Competency Committee, fellows may have the opportunity to take one to two in-house calls per month as the general OB/GYN attending in compliance with ACGME duty hours. In-house call is compensated as moonlight salary.
Required Coursework
Fellows are required to take the online Basic Training in Reproductive Medical Genetics through the University of California-San Francisco.
Basic Training provides eight weeks of genetics education developed for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility fellows to enhance the clinical training available at local programs. The comprehensive curriculum has been designed with pre-recorded lectures, workshops, case presentations, quizzes and supplemental reading that is self-paced, allowing integration into fellowship schedules. Fellows will also have case experience with their local genetics faculty each week. While the majority of the curriculum can be completed on your schedule, you’ll also have weekly LIVE Rounds with the Geneticists and one to two LIVE workshops each week.
For more information, visit the Univesity of California-San Franciso website.